Facebook receives the first Cambridge Analytica bot – DN.no


Facebook has now received the first boat in the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The 500,000 pound boat is the highest amount that privacy authorities in the UK can provide. He writes several British and American media on Wednesday.

The boat appears as part of a report by the British Commissioner for Information. Facebook has been accused of not protecting users 'personal data, and revealing how users' personal information was being used, according to FT

– Facebook has not provided the type of privacy required by the laws on the confidentiality, "said Elizabeth Denham at Bloomberg.

The United Kingdom Data Inspection also examined how political parties were using unauthorized Facebook user information sold by third parties.

Among other things, this data was used during the 2016 US election campaign. A Russian company that tried to influence the elections

In May, Mark Zuckerberg, founder and boss of Facebook, had to meet at the European Parliament to explain the Cambridge Analytica scandal and how the company should be in relation to the new privacy rules. ] Small sum for Facebook

Information Commissioner Den Ham says the boat serves as a strong signal that Facebook's privacy management around the Cambridge Analytica scandal has failed to score.

Compared to Facebook's ability to pay, 500,000 pounds are a minimal amount. In the first quarter of 2018, Facebook has performed well, with a business turnover of nearly $ 12 billion. Facebook 's after – tax revenues totaled $ 5 billion, the equivalent of $ 40 billion. This means that Facebook could pay 7500 fines of this size only in the first quarter and still at zero. (Conditions)

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