German court: Illegal deportation of the man who was to be bin Laden's bodyguard


The 42-year-old man, identified by the German and Tunisian authorities, as Sami A. and Sami Idoudi, respectively, was seized on a plane departing from Germany on Friday 7. [19659002WhenhearrivedinTunistheTunisiancapitalhewasimmediatelyarrestedbyTunisiansecurityforces

The man has already appeared in court and argued that he could not be forced to force Tunisia, fearing to be tortured

This time, a German court had blocked deportation. But the decision of the Gelsenkirchen court to put an end to the deportation, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany only reached 90 minutes after the departure of the plane on Friday morning.

The Gelsenkirchen court had ruled that he could not be deported. the assurance of the Tunisian authorities that he will not be tortured in Tunisia, where he is accused of terrorism.

In Friday's new ruling, the court now asks the German authorities to cancel the deportation, which means bringing him back to Germany. The court ruled that the expulsion was illegal and violated the fundamental principles.

The man has been living in Germany for over 20 years, but his stay has been increasingly criticized while the debate on asylum and immigration issues has been Intensified

The man, according to a previous ruling in Germany, worked as bin Laden's bodyguard between 1999 and 2000, which he himself dismissed.

The German authorities believe that the man represents a potential terrorist threat. He was arrested in June and was in jail for the people to be transported.

(© NTB)

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