Germans in Tromsø after the attacks of the polar bear in Svalbard


A German man in the 1940s suffers moderate injuries and was flown to Tromsø after being attacked by a polar bear in Sjuøyane, north-east of Spitsbergen on Saturday.

The polar bear is shot and transported to Longyearbyen. The wounded man is a German man in the 40s.

A man from the crew of the Cruise Ship Bremen was injured, reports managing director Ole Jakob Malmo to the governor of Svalbard at NTB at 14.30. Saturday night, the man was transported by ambulance to Tromsø. The type of injuries that the man has suffered is still unknown, but the human condition was stable after the incident.

He was treated and operated at the local Longyearbyen Hospital before being transported Saturday evening to the Tromsø University Hospital for further investigation and possible treatment required, NTB is informed.


The central referral center in northern Norway was informed of the incident at 9:19 am on Saturday morning. According to the Svalbard post, a group of the MS cruise "Bremen" registered in the Bahamas landed and was attacked by polar bears, where a man was injured. After the attack, the injured person was taken aboard the ship and received treatment at the nursery until a rescue helicopter arrived at that location. He was then flown to Longyearbyen and was treated at the local hospital.

The governor of Svalbard had no new information beyond this evening, Saturday


The details of the incident are still unclear and the police do not know exactly who has drawn. shots against polar bears. The group of the cruise ship had landed in Parryøya, which is part of the Sygo Islands in Svalbard.

– According to Tourism Manager Ronny Brunvoll at Visit Svalbard, we have on-site staff and investigation of the incident. happened unusual and unhappy.

– It's very rare that it happens, but when it happens it's very sad. This causes a lot of negative attention, and the last thing we want is that polar bears and wildlife be disturbed, aggressive and slaughtered. Polar bears are an unpredictable animal, and the terrain can be extremely opaque, says Brunvoll to NRK

(© NTB)

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