Hansson ship on the beach in Bangladesh


Two former North American tankers (NAT), "Nordic Jupiter" and "Nordic Fighter", are on the shores of Chittagong in Bangladesh to be dismantled, writes DN

in Chittagong by a controversial method, called "Beaching", where a large number of workers will choose from each other the vessels.

– Working conditions in shipyards in Bangladesh are terrible. Child labor is still prevalent even though it is banned in the country. In 2008, we reported that 25 percent of workers were children, and our recent surveys show that this has not improved over the last ten years, "said Francesca Carlsson in the Shipbreaking Organization Platform

contributes to emissions harmful to the environment and a significant danger to workers.

– Regarding the purchase and sale of ships, we follow international regulations, writes NAT's governor and CEO, Herbjørn Hansson, in an email fbAsyncInit = function () {
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