– I would like to thank President Trump for his leadership – DN.no


The case is updated!

– We reversed the trend. For many years, member countries have cut their defense budgets with billions. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said at a press conference at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on Tuesday afternoon

Wednesday, the main NATO summit is taking place in the Belgian capital, where the leaders of the 29 Member States participate. Stoltenberg thanked the heads of state for their efforts to achieve the goal of using two percent of the gross domestic product for defense purposes.

– I would like to thank the Member States and I would like to thank President Trump for his leadership in this area. This has a clear effect.

Krasse Trump Messages

The summit is described as the most important since the crisis around the invasion of Iraq by the United States, and there is much to be done.

act at the top. He has already criticized European member states and demanded that they increase their defense budgets.

Just an hour before the Stoltenberg press conference, Trump posted the following posts on Twitter: