Iran represents American oil efforts


Oil operations will be the most painful measures until now after the United States resigns from the nuclear deal this spring.

The Trump government had previously reintroduced sanctions for Iranian financial transactions, car manufacturers and purchases of passenger aircraft.

The consequences have not been delayed. The value of the Iranian currency, the rijal, has halved since April and prices for fruits, eggs, milk and other food products have reached record highs.

"The situation has been difficult for people in recent months, which could be difficult in the coming months as well," said President Hassan Rouhani recently.


In parallel with oil operations, criminal sanctions are being introduced against Iranian banks and shipping companies. Eight countries have temporary exceptions to US sanctions against players who buy oil from Iran.

Rouhani promised that his government would try to limit the problems created by the sanctions.

But discontent has already spread in the population. In recent months, teachers, truckers and other professional groups have staged demonstrations and strikes.

Last December, protests erupted across Iran and some of them launched slogans against the regime.

However, the Trump Government insists that it is not trying to press for regime change in Iran. The goal is apparently not that the Iranian Islamic rulers lose power.

Instead, the stated goal is to push Iran to change its behavior and politics.

Supports armed groups

Iran supports or is supposed to support armed organizations in Lebanon, Palestine and other parts of the Middle East. This will end the Trump government.

In addition, the United States demands that Iran stop developing military missiles. This is a type of weapon that is not covered by the international agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

The United States also believes that the agreement does not provide sufficient assurance that Iran does not develop nuclear weapons. Sanctions and pressure will work better, according to the Trump government.

The Iranian authorities have always denied their desire to possess nuclear weapons.

European dissatisfaction

US allies in Europe reacted strongly when Trump withdrew from the agreement on Iran and announced the reinstatement of sanctions.

European countries hope to save the result of many years of international negotiations on the Iranian nuclear program. They believe that agreements contribute to peace and stability. In addition, they want closer economic cooperation between European and Iranian companies.

US sanctions affect not only Iran, but also companies that deal with Iran. The EU has therefore tried to implement measures to protect European companies against Trumps sanctions.

This has proved difficult and a number of large European companies have withdrawn from Iran in recent months.

Nevertheless, until now, Iran has complied with the international agreement that places restrictions on the country's nuclear program. This may indicate that the country's authorities are trying to take time and hope that the United States will join the nuclear deal when Trump resigns from his presidency.

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