It happened tonight | ABC News


This is the most important news of the night to Saturday, July 14.

Ryanair's plane was to land with 30 sick passengers

A Ryanair plane on the road from Dublin to Zadar in Croatia was to land in Frankfurt, probably because a 30-year-old passenger fell ill.

It is not known if the landing at Hahn airport was due to a technical malfunction or if the passengers did not feel well, but about thirty people were transported to the airport. hospital after landing. ] A woman died in a road accident in Ålesund

A woman died when the car she was driving went out of the road at Skarbøvik in Ålesund from evening to Saturday

– C & # 39; is a vehicle that has left the road. According to the chief of operations, Borge Amdam, in the police district of Møre og Romsdal

the police will reach the young

. Starting in the autumn, the Oslo Police District will communicate with young people via social networks. According to Politiforum, the district has set up a group of six employees to work with social media

The communication will be via Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook Messenger, the policewoman Anne Katrin Storsveen, responsible for the patrol in the neighborhood Oslo police station.

Three moose swam to Tromsø

Five moose traveled to Tromsøya, where police and villages tried to stop them from frightening people in the downtown streets. According to the chief of the operation Eirik Kileng in the Troms Police District, it is not unusual that elves head for Tromsøya and enter the center

Police reported unannounced visits to the elderly after noon [16]. ! function (s, t, n, c, o, a, p) {e.fbq || (o = e.fbq = function () {o.callMethod o.callMethod.apply (o, arguments): o .queue.push (argument)} e._fbq || (e._fbq = o) = o o. push, o.loaded =! 0, o.version = "2.0" o.queue = [] (a = t.createElement ("script")). async =! 0, a.src = "https: // ", (p = t.getElementsByTagName (script" ") [0]). parentNode.insertBefore (a, s))} (window, document), FBQ (" init " "762559487244655"), FBQ ("track" "view page") [ad_2]
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