Italy allows migrants and refugees to land


Italy and Malta requested that the other countries receive the boats and the 450 people on board. Until Monday, only 57 people, all women and children, had landed.

However, Sunday, Germany, Spain and Portugal have promised to host 50 asylum seekers after France and Malta have made similar promises before.

Thus, the government of Italy, strong in matters of immigration, allowed the two congested patrol boats to dock early Monday morning. Both boats belong to the European border agency Frontex, which has picked up refugees and migrants from a Mediterranean boat.

But not all countries in the EU want to contribute to it. Many refugees and migrants are now trying to use Spain as a gateway to Europe: Sunday, a wooden boat of 125 people was arrested in Mauritian waters while He was heading towards Europe. According to the Mauritian authorities, everyone was aboard Senegal and they would have had to pay $ 1,000 each to traffickers to be brought to Europe.

All aboard were arrested and taken to Nouakchott, the Mauritanian capital. Authorities say they have arrested hundreds of African migrants on their way to Europe.

(© NTB)

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