Khashoggi Assassination: – Khashoggi's fiancé will not meet Trump


Few people are invited to meet the US president, but the fiance of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi refused to do so.

"I ask that all those involved in this madness, from the highest to the lowest level, be punished," said Hatice Cengiz on Turkish television, according to the BBC.

It's about PR

Cengiz thinks that Trump's invitation has come for a reason: to touch American opinion, but not that Trump sincerely wishes to know what has actually happened at Saudi Arabia's consulate in Istanbul three weeks ago, when Jamal Khashoggi was killed.

Even she is shocked and deeply saddened: "I am in a bottomless sadness.In the dark, I did not know," she said to the channel.

What has actually happened in the Istanbul consulate is still unknown, if it is that the Washington Post writer was killed – and never came out of it. living.

Saudi Arabia initially denied knowing what had happened to the journalist, but now confirms that Khashoggi was killed at the consulate, but also denied the involvement of the royal family. Saudi instead imposes the duty of "brutal agents".

– Not happy, but …

Donald Trump says he is "not satisfied" with Saudi explanations and has opened the possibility of sanctions. At the same time, President Trump stressed the importance of good relations between the two countries.

Khashoggi strongly criticized Saudi Arabia and the ruling Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, also known as the MBS.

Khashoggi worked at the Washington Post, where you read Khashoggi's last commentary on the importance of freedom of expression in the Arab world.

– Would kill him

In a tearful television interview, Cengiz announced the day the fiancé was gone, believing that the Saudis intended to kill his critic Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia has not yet made contact with her, but she is unlikely to go there to attend a funeral.

VIDEO: At the end of the week, Saudi Arabia admitted that Jamal Khashoggi's journalist was killed in his embassy in Istanbul. The surveillance screens of this video show a Saudi man disguised as a journalist after his assassination. Video: CNN
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The eldest son of the commentator, based in the United States, arrived in the United States from Saudi Arabia Thursday this week. Before the disappearance of Khashoggi, the son had been banned from leaving Saudi Arabia because of his father's criticism of the undemocratic regime.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan asked Saudi Arabia to admit who was behind the killing, in addition to indicating where the body was, reports the BBC.

No agreement on sanctions

This week, it appeared that the Norwegian oil fund did not take into account the fact that freedom of expression and democracy were not strong in Saudi Arabia. Oil fund chief Yngve Slyngstad said the fund will more than double its stocks in Saudi Arabia over the next year, reports E24.

Germany has a different attitude: they have stopped their arms sales to Saudi Arabia, while French President Emmanuel Macron is of another opinion:

"The sale of weapons has nothing to do with Mr. Khashoggi." Do not mix everything up, he said Friday, according to the BBC.

The European Parliament approved a non-binding resolution calling on EU countries to assess the ban on the sale of weapons to the Saudi population in response to the killing.

Russia says that one must believe the royal family and that "no one should have reason to believe them," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

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