Liu Xia's release: – China Expert: – This is surprising


On Tuesday, it became clear that the wife of Nobel Prize winner Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, left China after eight years of house arrest. On Tuesday, she landed in the German capital.

She became a widow last year when Liu Xiaobo died of cancer. He has lived the last eight years of his life in prison and has never had the opportunity to receive the Peace Prize.

Stuck in

Liu Xiaobo was imprisoned in 2009 by the Chinese authorities for his struggle for a democratic China

When he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, his wife was assigned in residence – despite the fact that she had no convictions.

– She was stuck in her own apartment. She was not allowed to visit Dagbladet, according to the Chinese expert Torbjørn Færøvik

– To silence a person in this way for eight years, she tells how politics governs the judicial system. China. This creates fear, says Færøvik

Better relations with the EU

– It is surprising that everyone is released. According to Færøvik, there is no sign of letting go, no hint at all.

Norwegian Nobel Committee Chair Berit Reiss-Andersen said Tuesday that she believed the release was due to prolonged pressure. DIPLOMATI: The day after Angela Merkel's meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Liu Xia was released. Photo: Markus Schreiber / AP / NTB Scanpix "src =" "class =" ">

DIPLOMATI: The day after Angela Merkel's meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, Liu Xia was released. Photo: Markus Schreiber / AP / NTB Scanpix
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Færøvik believes that the release is also due to the desire of China to strengthen its link with Europe. He claims that German Prime Minister Angela Merkel has conducted intense diplomacy and that, as China is in a trade war with the United States, she wants to get closer to the EU.

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Perhaps the first country in Europe, it could be an attempt to establish a better relationship given the situation in which they find themselves .

Protest of China

After Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010, the relationship has cooled between China and Norway. Prime Minister Erna Solberg has worked to establish good relations with China since then. In 2016, UD and China said the relationship should be normalized

– What consequences does this have for relations between Norway and China?

"China can protest, but I do not think it will affect the relationship between Norway and China today," Færøvik says.

– Should be acceptable

Reiss-Andersen states that she

– But there are reasons to note that the Chinese authorities chose to let her travel, so I think it should be acceptable only on behalf of her husband "

  VANT FREDSPRIS: Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. He died in captivity l 39; last year, never receiving the prize. Now, his wife, Liu Xia, has arrived in Europe after eight years of house arrest. Photo: Soldier / AFP / NTB Scanpix
VANT FREDSPRIS: Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. He died in captivity last year, never receiving the prize. Now, his wife, Liu Xia, has arrived in Europe after eight years of house arrest. Photo: Private Scanpix / AFP / NTB
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The reason for the release should be that Liu Xia needs medical assistance, which Germany has offered to help in the last year.

Dagbladet did not comment on the Nobel Peace Prize, Thorbjørn Jagland.

  • Nobel Peace Nobel Peace Prize awarded to imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo provoked very serious reactions in China
  • China called the sentence "indecent" and accused Norway to reward a convicted "criminal".
  • The Chinese rejected the Norwegian argument on the political independence of the Nobel Committee and felt that the handling of the file by the Norwegian government showed that it supported the grant.
  • 30. In November 2010, it was learned that China was suspending negotiations on a trade agreement with Norway indefinitely.
  • China subsequently rejected any high-level political contacts with Norway. More scheduled meetings were canceled without justification.
  • Norwegian companies in China have had problems with the visas of their employees and have also encountered other challenges in the country. In December 2016, the UD and China reached a joint declaration that the relationship should be normalized and negotiations on a free trade agreement resume.
  • Prime Minister Erna Solberg led a Norwegian delegation last April on an official visit to China, whose main objective was the resumption of political and economic cooperation. (NTB)

Attention to Silence

Prime Minister Erna Solberg has remained silent about the case of the Liu couple after the cooling off of relations between Norway and China. That was his hard drive.

When Dagbladet tried to get a comment from the Prime Minister last afternoon, we were referred to the UD. They say the following:

– We followed the situation for Liu Xia just over time. It is positive that she is now traveling to Germany. Germany has worked with several countries in a targeted way to find a solution to this case and it is an important humanitarian gesture that Liu Xia could now travel.

This is a press release for the UD, Kristin Enstad, in an email to Dagbladet.

Answer of Erna

Tuesday evening, Erna Solberg commented on the question:

– The widow of the winner of the prize of peace is welcome in Norway.

– This is a search that she was under house arrest for charges against her husband. But the most important thing is that you have found a solution, said Tuesday evening Solberg at NTB

Welcome to Norway

Now Prime Minister and the Norwegian Nobel Committee Liu Xia welcome Norway to receive the price.

– How it will happen and when there will be a subsequent dialogue, says Reiss-Andersen

– There are no restrictions to the entry of people in Norway to participate in what be it of this kind. We do not have traditions to do. But first and foremost, she needs treatment for the moment because she's been sick for a long time

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