LLA newspapers receive support from Free Word


Published July 31, 2018

As a result of the applicant's search in May, six LLA newspapers received funding from Free Word to conduct excavation projects.

Thomas Frigård, LLA

Hilde Røsvik, Svalbardposten

– The support of Free Word means that we can deploy resources for a period of time to study what we do. Believes is important in Longyearbyen. Free words help in this way to finance funeral journalism that we also had difficulty making resources. I think it's very good and very important, says Hilde Kristin Røsvik, editor-in-chief of Svalbard

Svalbard Post is one of six newly funded LLA newspapers to finance planned tomb projects. . Avisa twice rejected her requests twice, but in May she asked for funds to investigate working conditions in the tourism industry in Svalbard. This time, the newspaper received $ 50,000 from Fritt Ord.

In order to inspire local newspapers for more investigative journalism, LLA launched the "Local Grave" project. As part of this project, we help local newspapers, among other things, to solicit funds for their serious projects thanks to the funds reserved by Fritt Orden for Norwegian journalism. Previously, several LLA newspapers were supported by Fritt Ord for their projects, and after the cycle of nominations in May, six new papers received funding:

  • Hallingdølen: Funeral Project, $ 100,000 [19659010] WOMEN'S CULTURE:
  • Cemetery Project: Burial Project, NOK 80,000
  • Svalbardposten: Burial Project on Working Conditions in the Tourism Industry in Svalbard, NOK 50,000
  • OPP: Burial Project, 50
  • Drangedalsposten: Grave Project, NOK 40,000

The Freedom Ord Foundation grants up to NOK 25 million per annum for four years for journalist projects, and the title received the title "Norwegian Journalism". The announcement has seven deadlines for applications throughout the year, and the commitment will extend over four years. The next registration deadline is Wednesday, August 8th. All LLA newspapers wishing to start a cemetery project are encouraged to apply for funding, and LLA can provide support to develop a project idea, help design an application for Free Word, and ongoing support and follow-up current Thomas Frigård, or selected resource persons, LLA has an agreement with. Thanks to the project, participation documents can be assisted by some of the country's most important journalists

If you would like help, please contact Thomas Frigård.

Tel: 415 42 956, Email: [email protected]

Useful Links

Link to the Free Word

See also Gravesak of Kvinnheringen in the LLA Idea Bank

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