López Obrador leads more than 20 percentage points in Mexico


Mexicans are completely tired of corruption and deadly waves and they are now anxious to abandon the other two big parties that they consider responsible for the miser. The latest polls show that 64-year-old López Obrador had a 48.1 percent lead ahead of right-wing candidate Ricardo Anaya of the PAN party, which has 26.1 percent, and PRI's former corrupt party, José Antonio Meade. , supported by 20.8% of voters.

This is the third time that López Obrador, popularly called AMLO, is trying. In 2006, he lost with such a minimal margin that many believe that he was robbed of victory by election fraud. So he had every reason to protest.

Instead, he protested six years later when he lost again, but with a clear margin. His insulted reaction, with demonstrations that partially paralyzed Mexico City for several months, left a bitter taste that probably contributed to the fact that the traditional left-wing PRD now combines with PAN's Anaya in a coalition against left populism – unusual right. [19659005] Democratization

When Mexico in 2000, after 71 years of uninterrupted PRI, finally chose a president of another party, that's because a large part of the middle class left PRI to support Vicente Fox of the right PAN and a blatant democratization. However, after twelve years of PAN rule and a six-year return to PRI, which has only slowed growth, worsened corruption and caused a murderous wave, it seems that most people have abandoned both. and trusted López Obrador Morena Party.

Finally, the large masses of poor people also leave PRI. López Obrador's election campaign was a triumphant procession through the villages, especially in the poor south where PRI for decades could openly buy the votes they needed. In recent days, López Obrador has also missed out on the business community who termed it a dangerous populist which will make Mexico a new Venezuela.

AMLO is ready in the speech against US President Donald Trump, who called Mexican immigrants criminal rapists, speaking to his advantage. But also the other candidates condemn Trump

Violence and Corruption

What really matters is the rooted corruption that is a legacy of PRI and permeates all strata in Mexico and the massive wave of violence that has was fired as PAN president Felipe Calderón put the military against the drug cartels twelve years ago.

Together, at least 200,000 people have been killed since 2006. Only last year, the death rate reached nearly 30,000. Even though most murders occur between bands or in collisions between the gangs, the police and the army, no one is safe.

The PAN PAN Deception is again open for PRI, and Enrique Peña Nieto was elected six years ago. But Peña Nieto failed to reduce the violence, and he also continued the PRI's old tradition of corruption.

His six years were characterized by a number of scandals both in his family and in the party, and many cases of drug cartel and corrupt police collaboration were also discovered. Peña Nieto ended up being one of the most unpopular presidents of Mexican history, despised by both the left and the right.

When López Obrador appears more moderate and much more relaxed than before, Mexico has for the first time in its history a left-wing president. This also goes against the trend observed elsewhere in Latin America, with the right-hand side going from the front to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia.

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