– More than 150 killed in several suicide bombings in Syria


Kamikazes on Wednesday released explosives in the provincial capital Sweida and in several villages north and east of the city

Then, the IS managed to conquer three villages, according to the report. Syrian Observatory of Human Rights. The Eksil group reports that more than 100 people have been killed, including 67 activists who support the Syrian government.

The number of deaths varies according to the reports. A local health service source confirms to the AP news agency that more than 90 people have been killed. Earlier, Syrian media reported that 38 people were killed in the Sweida attacks. According to the press agency AFP more than 150 people will be killed

The extremist group IS takes responsibility for the attacks

Syrian government forces launch an offensive targeting a group linked to the IS near from the border against Jordan and the Golan Heights occupied by Israel

In the past, there have been no major attacks in the city of Sweida, where most of the inhabitants belong to the group Drusers

Although the EI has been extinguished In Iraq, the group still controls some smaller areas in the east and south of Syria. In addition, the group continued to carry out guerrilla attacks and terrorist acts.

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