"Morten Ruud was a warm and generous man, a stretched man who left a big gap"


Memory: Morten Ruud (1961-2018):

I met Morten Ruud for the last time in Hammerfest a week and a half ago. I was there with him to take care of the former editor of Nordlys Reidar Nielsen

Morten talked about his plans in the future. He shared ideas about social mission, to make NRK Finnmark even better and stronger in a stimulating media landscape. And about how he was looking forward to traveling to South America.

But we also talked about how Reidar, following the grave, rubbed the journalism of our generation. About his commitment to free speech, to care about colleagues, the joy of meeting people and to communicate their stories, the strong love of Finnmark.

Today, Morten himself came out of time in a tragic way. And I clearly see how the words we used about Reidar a few days ago can also be used about himself.

Morten Ruud was a warm and generous man, a stranger who left a great void

When he needs to be remembered, many have rightly pointed out Morten's efforts in Barents' cooperation and build an understanding between we and our neighbors in Russia. Yes, he was a pioneer and a bridge builder. He has worked tirelessly to enable journalists and editors to meet to better understand each other and better understand each other, based on mutual respect for culture and tradition. His compass sought dialogue rather than confrontation and conflict.

I think he built his understanding of Russia and the Far North on the near-Finnmark story experiences that he loved. He was a man of North Caliber with all his friends. Morten Ruud was the best proof that the way to see Russia depends on where you are.

What deserves a more central place to remember Morten is his ability to show great leadership. Here, he ruined like few others.

Morten was appointed editor at NRK Finnmark in a very eventful period. An independent district office has recently been restored, but its head office is located elsewhere than previously.

I dare say that no media officer, even few leaders in the country, has been faced with a more demanding task. He had to move a headquarters from one place to another to Finnmark himself. And the backdrop was a political rebellion with such strength that it can only be expressed in Finnmark.

Perhaps it was his exhilarating nature that prevented him from doing what many other leaders would do to accomplish such a task; wiped or discarded the cards. Transferred an emergency phone to the director of broadcasting in Oslo, saying that it is what you need to come here and fix it.

But Morten stood in the storm. He succeeded in his mission. The way he implemented it was excellent leadership. He combined his ability to be fearless, wise and agile. The nice guy but also the person we know like him, came to his right.

Morten Ruud was the modernist NRK in Finnmark. It is without doubt the honor that the position of the general public is strong and unaffected in this part of Norway

It is not the direction of diffusion in Oslo that conducted this operation , was the district editor Morten Ruud. ] therefore a stronger NRK and more present than ever in all Finnmark. And he made editorial decisions that also made Finnmark more visible on the NRK platforms in the national news.

The public, we who use NRK, has a lot to thank Morten for. Because it always puts listeners and viewers first. Because he made the best choices for them.

Morten Ruud was a man with a strong back. It was not anyone who was going to cook or talk to other people, inside or outside the press.

It represented an impressive opening. He talked to people, not to them. When Morten thought of something, he said it face to face.

He provided security in life, both private and professional

We his colleagues in the press reminded him of how he worked with determination and consistency. became a correspondent of the NRK in Moscow

At a good adulthood, he taught Russian and allowed him to tell all Norway the reality of our main neighbor country in Russia.

Porsanger and Finnmark, a model for many young colleagues in northern Norway.

When Morten left, we all understand how good he was. We understand why so many people are sad and sad. He shows Morten as he was;

I shine peace on the memory of Morten Ruud

Skjalg Fjellheim

Political Editor, Nordlys

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