Mueller asks for the immunity of Manafort's witnesses –


The five people hinted that they do not want to testify or provide other information that might self-incriminate, referring to the court that they have to be sure to refrain from saying something that can retract on themselves.

is the basis for Mueller's office asking a federal judge in Virginia for the immunity of prosecutor's witnesses during the trial, where Manafort is accused of tax evasion and bank fraud.

This means that the prosecutor can not use the witness's explanation against them. unless they explain it falsely. The five are not convicted, your names are not known, and Manafort asks that their names be kept with the exception of the public except they must testify

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L & # 39; case against Manafort is the first investigation Mueller Russia. In addition to tax evasion and bank fraud, he is also charged with money laundering and attempts to influence key sources in the case.

The trial should begin next week.

On Tuesday, the director T.S. rejected. Ellis Manafort's request to move the Alexandria trial in the Washington DC region to Roanoke, Virginia

Manafort supporters believe that major media coverage in Washington is destroying its chances of A fair trial. They also said that it is more likely that potential jury members in the Washington area voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Will not move

Ellis justified the rejection that media coverage would the same in Roanoke. He also stated that there was no evidence that potential jury members are biased and that the political position does not allow the jury to judge a case fairly.

– It would be inappropriate for the court to introduce a lawsuit in the country Ellis writes:

The Mueller inquiry primarily aims to find out if Trump and his staff are cooperating with Russia in the 2016 election campaign. (Terms)

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