NATO depends on cohesion to scare –


– There is one thing that NATO has to deliver. And that is solidarity. One thing more important than everyone is that all 29 NATO members must be united, "Lute said in an interview with NTB at the NATO summit in Brussels.

All the details have helped resolve the heads of state and government What really matters is the command structure of NATO, sharing the burden of l & # 39; alliance and the development of new defense capabilities, it is only maintenance work, he thinks

. The very essence of NATO, Article 5, presupposes solidarity. Article 5 of the NATO Treaty states that an attack against one must be considered an attack against all. And that requires cohesion.

Credible Deprivation

The former NATO ambassador is supported by Atlantic Committee Leader Kate Hansen Bundt.

She believes that it is a serious problem that NATO is today divided

– The most important "Discouragement is actually an enemy who believes that this military alliance is united and able to do what it threatens to do, "says Bundt to NTB

. That is, Article 5 and that one is ready to defend oneself as a last resort, she said.

Bundt considers the perception of the unity of the alliance as an important element of the dissuasive role of NATO

Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg acknowledges that discouragement is linked to the fact impression that others are left with them

– But the most important thing is what we actually do, says Stoltenberg

– and what we do is to implement it. the strongest reinforcement of our collective defense since the end of the cold war. We are increasing the presence of US NATO soldiers in Europe. We are modernizing our defenses, investing more and increasing responsiveness. There are things that really happen.

Stoltenberg points out what he calls "daily politics" to NATO

– We deliver NATO. It's even more important than words, although words are important, he says.

Hoping a routine meeting

The lute was the man of President Barack Obama at NATO. He was replaced when Donald Trump took the presidency. But the American is still well oriented

Lute says he's confident that the United States and Europe will be able to come together at the top, despite the nervousness that has affected the movement .

– The most important thing for NATO is if there is disagreement, this disagreement must be kept in camera and discussed internally among the 29 member states, he said.

Lute thinks that the summit should really be considered a very ordinary event – something that NATO keeps on a regular basis. It is a routine meeting for an alliance that has existed for a long time. That's how I think you should look at this summit. (Terms)

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