NATO is awake – it is also the president of the EU


Before the Gala Dinner on Wednesday in Brussels, the EU President, Jean-Claude Juncker (63), was a full sailor and needed significant support from several leaders NATO countries to stay on its positions. The friendly British tabloids show the video and wonder if the former Luxembourg prime minister is just drunk.

– The Eurocracy, famous for being thirsty, came out and was helped by world leaders mixed with Donald Trump and Theresa May in front of a big dinner in Brussels.

He writes the tabloid newspaper The Sun, which belongs to Murdoch and has an edition of only 1.5 million for the paper edition.

The Sun is also the newspaper that had an exclusive interview with President Donald Trump, where he punished Prime Minister Theresa May and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan – while stating that Foreign Minister recently resigned Boris Johnson would be an excellent prime minister.

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– Suffering from ice cream

Also Daily Mail and Express are relatively illusory in their reviews of the video, which is now runs in the European media and Twitter. ] Jean-Claude Juncker movie staggering at the picture of the NATO family

– CNEWS (@CNEWS) 13. July 2018

However, according to the BBC, the failures of the President of the European Commission are due to the fact that he suffers simply from back pain due to ice. He can limp his legs and it 's hard to go there.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte rejects Juncker's disease – as it is speculated

– As I know, he has no serious health problems, but he sometimes has back problems. EU Commission spokeswoman Margaritis Schinas now comments on the video because of the lengthy mention:

– The President wore a particularly painful attack of ice on Wednesday night in combination with cramps, says he, according to NTB.

– The President himself has stated publicly that his ice affects his ability to walk. This was unfortunately the case on Wednesday night, he adds.

– The President also wishes to thank public ministers Mark Rutte and Antonio Costa for helping him during this painful event. He takes medicine and feels better, "said Schinas.

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May dement alcohol problems

The Sun is completely buying not history.They refer to a meeting of the EU in Latvia in 2015, according to the newspaper, "an obviously drunk Juncker" was very close to young workers, and offended several EU leaders for open screen.

– He called on Hungarian President Viktor Orbán a dictator "when he came and hit him in the face, the newspaper writes about the situation, which has been described by the media as "laughing".

Juncker is known for his particular style and comments.

His health and fitness were already noted when he was appointed in 2014. Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem said Juncker was still drinking and smoking during meetings.

Juncker denied having an alcohol problem

Kisses of Macron and Merkel

Jean-Claude Juncker is supported by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte at the Brussels Parc Cinquantenaire. Photo: AP

However, world leaders did not seem to be affiliated with the jungle – they met Wednesday in the Belgian capital – after signing the final declaration of NATO

The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, is one of those who help Juncker to get up by playing a acrobat dancer, who has no problems with balance.

However, the NATO Alliance

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Selection of a Wheelchair

When & # 39; He goes down with a good help on the podium, he crosses the podium. Jens Stoltenberg, the boss of NATO, Melania and Donald Trump, the president of the United States, and Erna Solberg, prime minister, and Theresa May

. ] For the following gala dinner, the EU arrived at Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, in a wheelchair

See also: Orbán receives congratulations from the EU

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