NATO Summit – Another victory for Trump


However, the Summit erupted into total chaos, with threats that could be understood as if Trump wanted to take the United States out of NATO if he did not get it not like he wanted all the land to spend at least 2% of GDP. defense as soon as possible. On direct questions he threatened to pull the United States out of the alliance at the impromptu press conference after the meeting, Trump responded in a way that did not exclude him not. People who were present said that Trump threatened to "leave alone" unless countries like Germany would want to pay more for the alliance.

Despite governments and government leaders who stress that unanimity has been reached, then there is far from agreeing on what has been agreed. What is clear is that there was a lot of noise along the way. He had to take an extra turn after the scheduled meeting, where Trump came up with the additional requirements of his allies. It was after this trump that the summit could proclaim a great triumph. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, at his press conference, then confirmed that the summit was a success that had advanced the alliance.

PRESS: Trump wanted an answer from NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg Russia. Video: CNN
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However, was the alliance of 19459004 brought forward? What did it really mean? No more than the communication that was beaten already Wednesday. There is the wording that the 29 NATO countries will "grow" to 2% of GDP by 2024, that is to say, in the same way as at the meeting of the Wales in 2014. French President Manuel Macron pointed out that this is the wording of Wales that applies. What seems to have happened, is that Trump at the "meeting" has already demanded 2% of GDP until January 2019, a half-year. Otherwise, he threatened to "walk alone". It was then that chaos broke out before anyone told Trump that there were countries that had parliaments that approved budgets and that Trump's deadline was not there. therefore not possible. So Trump seems to be calm.

Donald Trump arrived in Brussels wrapped in a tweeting fog where he mocked each other and threatened his closest allies who did not want to pay for their own safety.

The article continues during the announcement

. With the suggestion that the security guarantee depends on the desire to raise funds and with direct threats to link security to trade with the United States, he came to Brussels ready for a real fight.

LONDON: We expect tens of thousands of people will demonstrate against Donald Trump as part of his visit to Britain on Friday. But already on Thursday, the protesters were well advanced. Video: Scanpix / Nicolai Delebekk / Emilie Rydning
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– NATO is much stronger than it was two days ago, repeated Trump several times during his press conference. He had his fight and he had won. And that was probably the goal of the whole Trump meeting.

Once upon a time, we witnessed a whole new form of diplomacy. Because Trump is not a NATO solidarity alliance but a club – a golf club? – Each member pays what he gets to become a member. And since not everyone is paying the same – relatively – and the US is paying more, Trump has accepted the job as a banker. Go from door to door to claim a protection fee. In Brussels he has received verbal promises for more protection costs, but the 2014 agreement, which will be repaid in 2024, applies. And yet, Trump did not snap a nose at all members with a bar. Yet, they are not complete mafia states

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