NATO Summit – "We must not only follow Trumps twitring


OSLO / BRUSSELS (Dagbladet): Leaders of European NATO countries are nervous about the United Nations summit in Brussels. While there is consensus on important and important decisions, the heads of government and government are worried about what US President Donald Trump will say and do.

Before the summit, Trump knew that he was sending difficult letters to the countries he believed. does not contribute enough to the common defense of NATO. He also repeatedly stated that 2% of GDP was not enough

confirms the goal of Wales

Before the summit, rumors say that Trump will point the target meeting at the top of 2% of the GDP of the defending countries. But according to Søreide, there is no reason for Americans to ask for it.

– There is nothing in communication that suggests this. It is a communication that all Member States have put behind and have worked constructively to arrive. Any text can be unanimous. Nothing indicates that Americans will change the goal by 2%. According to Søreide, there was no part of the negotiations.

A principle came into effect from night to Saturday, writes NTB. After the ONT knows it, John Bolton, security advisor to US President Donald Trump, has personally read the text and approved

The article continues under the announcement

This means that a major uncertainty can be lifted by the road. before the summit, which ends Wednesday and Thursday.

Communiqué in the state, consolidates the goal of 2% of the summit of Wales. It is also clear that conscientious plans must be presented to achieve this objective.

Søreide highlights the importance of the Alliance confirming Wales' commitment to "seek to reach 2%" of GDP by 2024. [19659012] Trump: – unjustified

Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen told Dagbladet Saturday that the government has a plan to meet the goals of Wales and Wales. The government has decided that the 2% target in 2024 is a premise for the next long-term defense plan.

Søreide and Bakke-Jensen realize that the 2% goal is very important, because Trump is particularly concerned. However, at the summit last year, it is unfair that the American taxpayers take the burden because the European countries follow the funding

New command structure

However, the Norwegian government is keen to provide the content of what was delivered.

* The need for better burden-sharing between the United States and other member countries is recognized

* Cutbacks in defense budgets of member states have ceased and budgets are increasing

– Is it enough to convince Trump?

– Americans see this clearly, we get good feedback. They also participated in initiatives on a new marine facility. We do not just have to follow Trump's Twitter feed, but see what the Americans are really doing. They strengthen their presence in Europe and their commitment to Allied security. And the bilateral relations that they want to reinforce.

Monday, however, Trump was left on Twitter, where he was able to report that a number of NATO countries are not close to reaching the goal of 2 %

spend a lot more money for NATO than any other country. This is not fair, nor acceptable. These countries have increased their contributions since I became president, but they have to do a lot more. Germany is at one percent, the United States at four … and NATO means a lot more for Europe than for the United States, "writes the US president. [19659014] – Foreign Language

– Are you still worried that Trump's rhetoric can destroy the climate of the meeting?

– I think most people are worried that rhetoric and other things can detect what is becoming the most important deliveries of the summit.There are 29 countries to agree, and it's anyhow how to say, " said Søreide.

The charge sharing message is not new, but Trump has another way of saying something that is strange to allied Europeans and that can help polarize the debate into a not only constructive record. Therefore, I'm afraid we have to breathe.

Søreide also fears that disagreements between the United States and Europe on trade, the Iran deal, the climate deal and other issues be transmitted to the summit. 19659000] – But this can also be a constructive and good summit, says Søreide

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