New prison meeting for Frode Berg


Ilja Novikov writes on Facebook Tuesday that a Moscow court will decide to extend incarceration Wednesday at 12 o'clock.

In early May, the imprisonment of the 62-year-old Norwegian was extended by three months. Berg appealed the decision but did not respect it. Novikov said about the call that he thought Berg would be in jail for at least a year.

– He may have to wait for the decision of the trial and the appeal and only after that, we can hope for a political decision. I think Frode Berg has at least a year in prison before he has any chance of being released, he said.

– Anchor Not

Novikov said on Tuesday at VG that they did not intend to appeal after Wednesday's imprisonment meeting .

– He can extend imprisonment anyway, he told the newspaper.

The lawyer saw the Norwegian in prison last week

– He is very disturbed by the heat and the mosquito. He seems to have an allergy to the type of mosquito that is in jail, he says.

Accused of espionage

Frode Berg is a former Kirkenes border inspector. He was arrested by the Russian security police FSB in Moscow on December 5 last year. He is accused of espionage and himself admitted to having worked for the Norwegian intelligence services

Novikov has already stated that it was possible that the investigation be closed during the winter .

– If the case is brought to court For example, in December, we can wait for a judgment in January and an appeal in March or April. Before there is the possibility that it will be forgiven excluded. Novikov said in June that only convicted persons could be pardoned.

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