New York Times warned Trump against rhetoric against the press –


The meeting was held on July 20 following a request from the White House. The parties agreed to keep the secret until Trump twisted it Sunday.

– I had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with Sulzberger. We spent a lot of time talking about the large amount of fake news published by the media and how the fake news became an expression. Enemy of the people! Sadly, he wrote.

Sulzberger recently published a statement by the New York-based newspaper, describing the meeting as exceptionally hard and direct.

– I told the President directly that I believe that his use of language is not only Sulzberger

The publisher and the journalist believe that the leaders of some countries use rhetoric Trump against the media to bind and harass journalists.

– I told him that even though the phrase "false news" is false and harmful, I am much more concerned that he qualifies journalists as "enemies of the people". I warned him that his inflammatory language contributes to the growing threat to journalists and that this could lead to violence, Sulzberger adds.

– So I asked him to rethink his attacks on journalists. His rhetoric is dangerous and harmful to our country, he says.

The editor of the New York Times editorial board, James Bennet, attended the meeting, writes AFP. (Terms)

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