Nordlys – Beautiful and moving ceremony in memory of Morten Ruud:


Morten died of an activity that he loved very much: he lived forever, became his profession. But he has been developing all his life, we will be very happy. Of course, it's too early to die when I'm 57, I'm 30 years old. And it's wrong that a father should join and bury his son, but this can happen someday.

Without strong but sober words and summarizing Trygve Rognan's feelings after his son, NRK District Editor Morten Ruud was demolished just before the weekend.

Tårevåt minnestund

NRK colleagues from all over Norway remembered yesterday Ruud, 57, who died in a gyro accident in Kilpisjärvi, Finland.

The ceremony at the Ruud workplace in Alta was transferred to offices in northern Norway, including Tromsø, where around 20 colleagues were gathered. MINNESTUND: MEPs from the NRK premises in Tromsø followed colleagues in mourning for the late Morten Ruud on a link in Alta. "srcset =" 1080w, https: / / 768w, obscura / API / dynamic / r1 / ece5 / tr_480_320_l_e / 0000 / noly / 2018/7/23/13 / RUUDMinne1.jpg? chk = A62199 480w "sizes =" (min-width: 769px) 1080px, (min-width: 481px) 768px, (max-width: 480px) 480px "itemprop =" contentURL "/>

MINNESTUND: NRK locals in Tromsø colleagues grieving the time of Morten Ruud's death on the Alta link.

At the NRK premises in Alta, a large number of patrons, family members, colleagues and friends gathered to commemorate the famous district editor.

The strongest impression made of Ruud's 87-year-old father when he remembered his son's son who died so abruptly. The present was both Morten Ruud's daughter, Rakel Mortensdatter Birkeli, his girlfriend Linda Vaeng Sæbbe and the 57-year-old parents. There was a dignified and moving ceremony, many of which had something to say about a much appreciated person

Leader and colleague

– The shock was total, incomprehensible and completely meaningless, says Trygve Rognan. He described the son as a man with a very versatile background, one of whom jumped from one to the other, but eventually realized that he belonged to journalism.

– In trying a little, Morten has developed a great tolerance for the differences between people and in our society. Professionally, he was a "late pioneer", but he finally realized that it was in the journalism that he should be. He was only 57 years old and he was still in full development. By nature, he was curious, he would like to discover things. In our eyes, it has been moving to sit here and hear what has been said about Morten as a leader and colleague. It's not easy to be both a leader and at the same time be considered a good colleague, but it seems like it was both. He was very good to hear, said the father.

– This was a broken gang that met here on Sunday. The unreality, the shock, the disbelief and the absurdity – we felt everything, said Ruud's close associate, the editor-in-chief Robin Mortensen at NRK Finnmark when he hosted the event. Hour of Remembrance. He calls his boss a good colleague and leader, but above all a good person.

Easy to love

– We will remember the good smile, the atmosphere, and we will remember a leader who stood in front of the boat he stormed, while pushing us forward when the weather was nice. But unfortunately – now Morten's time is out. His last word is said, his latest report is delivered. Rest in peace, my dear friend, Mortensen concludes.

Tone Kunst, editor of the region, was the closest senior of Morten Ruud. She remembered a man and a human being, easy to love and easy to love, and especially of his involvement in the cooperation of Barents Press and in other parts of Northern Cooperation -West he was involved with. linguist – so that he can move smoothly between the peoples of the north. He reached out in interpersonal conditions – also across national borders. He was generous, warm and attentive, and I will remember him as a good inclusive leader who has seen each of his staff, and like everyone else.

  COMPLETE SERMONY: The memory of Alta has been transmitted to several places of North Norway area. In Tromsø, friends and colleagues followed the ceremony of sorrow

COMPLETE SERMONY: The memory of Alta was transmitted to several places in the north of Norway. In Tromsø, friends and colleagues followed the mourning ceremony.

Also, Morten was busy with nature, traveling – he was almost hateful in his outdoor interest, and he invited others. The flying interest was part of it, Art said – and directed certain words specifically to Ruud's daughter.

– I know Morten for 30 years, and certainly about you, Rakel, since you were only a glimpse of your father's eye. I've heard a lot about you and I know that he's always been so proud of you. We will remember Morten today and he will always be with us – as a human being, it was easy to love him.

Sto i Stormen

NRK District Director and Acting Director of Broadcasting Grethe Gynnild-Johnsen that she felt almost a kind of anger that such a ceremony would be necessary. She mentioned Morten Ruud as a leader in NRK and for the work of his colleagues.

– Among other things, he suggested that NRK was the only media that raised Finnmark in national journalism. As a person, he had a lot of security, a security that earned him great credibility. He wanted to build bridges in the interior of Finnmark, but also across the northern borders. He was a person who was not looking for conflict, but after solutions, Gynnild-Johnsen said, and specifically addressed all the noise that came when NRK decided to move the Finnmark seat from Vadsø to Alta.

  NRK Grethe Gynnild -Johnsen said that many of them today are characterized by deep sorrow and shock at the death of Morten Ruud.

NRK District Director Grethe Gynnild-Johnsen said that many of them are characterized today by deep sorrow and shock at the death of Morten Ruud.

– He remained calm and safe in the noise. He was sure we had made the right decision. I would like to honor him because it was really a storm, said the director of NRK


She clarified that in addition to the commemorative ceremonies, protocols of condolence were also published in many places in the country, colleagues can show their respect.

– These will be sent to you, Rakel, so that you can preserve them for the future. For Morten, he was above all Rachel's father, he was the son of Grete and Trygve, and he was Linda's girlfriend. It is for you that we are getting up today. We will make sure that Morten is never forgotten, "said Grethe Gynnild-Johnsen, asking for a minute of silence.

Several other colleagues in the press also brought words of memory to someone who was obviously very liked in his neighborhood. ": {" publication ": {" name ":" "" id "79," wwwdomain ":" "" Select ":" Aurora "" complete Select "" Aurora "}," gaia ": {" "false" aid.api.base.url ":" "," aid.api.cached. base.url ":" //","aid.assets.version":"3.5.3","aid.newsletter.teaser":"Want to be updated every morning ? from Nordlys directly into the inbox. 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