North Korea accuses the United States of "gangster-like" behavior


After the landmark summit between North Korea and the United States in Singapore in June, Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump agreed to work for nuclear disarmament on the Korean peninsula.

How to let the two heads of state the imagination of others. For this reason, they were not in agreement

Therefore, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spent two days in North Korea trying to get a more plan detailed.

According to a statement by North Korea, the meeting with the Foreign Minister Pompeo did not go very well

HAND PRINT: For the first time, a US president and a North Korean leader met. Here is the handshake between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. Video: CNN
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Gangster-like behavior

In the statement, North Korean authorities call "sorry".

At the same time, they accuse the United States of "gangster-like" behavior in negotiations, including The Guardian. The result of the meeting was worrisome because the content of the meeting had reached a "dangerous phase that could weaken our desire to rust."

– We expected the United States to offer constructive measures "[19659003ThedeclarationoftheveryclosedregimecameonlyafewhoursafterPompeoleftthecountry

NOTE: : The newspaper was denied entry to the luxurious St. Regis Hotel in Singapore, but an employee told him that he was happy that Kim Jong-a parte. At the same time, Dagbladet has moved into another luxury hotel in the city. The hotel Donald Trump stayed. Video: Marie Røssland / Dagbladet
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Pompeo, in turn, described the meetings with the leadership of North Korea as productive and fruitful. He also felt that the negotiations had been conducted in a good mood.

The US Secretary of State did not meet Kim Jong-un at the meeting, but managed to reach a new agreement on further discussions on nuclear disarmament.

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Kim wins the first round

After the summit between Kim and Trump on June 12, the Norwegian experts conclude that it is Kim who s u200b u200b is removed victoriously from the meeting.

Important reasons include the fact that the statement that the two leaders signed is generally considered vague and that Kim abandoned the meeting without having to make significant new concessions. Many also believe that Trump's tribute to Kim Jong-un after the meeting was inappropriate and unpleasant.

Back, smile, compliments and handshake exchanged the television photos of the Singapore summit, reinforced by comments Trumps after the meeting

For Trump, Kim, among other things, congratulated as a " very intelligent, "" highly qualified "and" very worthy "dealer on behalf of North Korea. Before telling ABC News later that he and the North Korean leader had established a "very special relationship".

– A Supergulrot

Experts believe that Kim Jong-un has "recognized international recognition" and that Kim's negotiations with the superpower The leader of the United States on a footing of equality is a great victory

– The meeting is a map in itself – meeting the US president has been a supergulm for North Korea. Now, Trump demolished without recovering anything giving them the status and prestige they did not need, "said Øystein Tunsjø, a professor in the Department of Defense Studies, in Dagbladet after the summit.

Experts' judgment and Trump's critique after the KCTV summit sent a documentary on the summit earlier this week

In the documentary, which shows, among other things, photos of Donald Trump that make sense To a North Korean official, you can hear the narrator say that "President Trump … has expressed his infinite respect and admiration for President Kim."

PROMOTED COOPERATION: Before Donald Trump appeared on stage at the press conference on Tuesday morning, he showed a promotional video to the press. The video that he had given Kim Jong-un during the talks, was made by the American film company Destiny Pictures. Video: AP
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