– Not too late to save brexit – DN.no


The colorful toric police officer strongly warned his supporters when he spoke in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon to explain why he had chosen to resign as Foreign Minister.

– It is not too late to save the Brexit. We still have time in these negotiations.

Johnson resigned in protest of the new Brexit plan that Prime Minister Theresa May had hit on the government in the early summer.

According to him, the new plan destroyed The clear position took in his speech at Lancaster House in January of last year.

  • In June 2016, 51.9% of British voters voted to sign Britain out of the EU, known as Brexit. A two-year graduation process began in March 2017. Since then, there has been disagreement over whether the announcement should be "hard" or "soft".
  • Brexit "hard" is a complete violation of the EU. This would include a violation of the EU's internal market and no agreement on the "four freedoms" – the free movement of people, goods, services and capital.
  • Brexit "sweet" often refers to an agreement that guarantees access to the interior market, as well as separate arrangements on how the country will be linked to the tax system and the tax system. customs union of the EU. Among other things, Norway, Canada, Turkey and Switzerland have different solutions.
  • 6. In July, the British government agreed on the way forward, known as the Checker Agreement. He is particularly in favor of a free trade system with the EU for industrial and agricultural products.
  • In July, British Prime Minister David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson expressed their positions. They were replaced by Dominic Raab and Jeremy Hunt.
  • A ratification agreement is expected to be completed in October. The final announcement of the EU will take place on March 29, 2019.

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There, she drew several red lines for Britain, as the British went out of the customs union and the single market, at the same time as she presented a vision of United Kingdom to conclude ambitious new free trade agreements around the world. said it was the right vision at the time, and I think so too, said Johnson in the House of Commons.

According to him, the new plan will reduce Britain to a rich sound for the EU and make it become a "brexit only". the name & # 39 ;. (Terms)

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