Novichoke victims are sick after touching infected objects


Both, Dawn Sturgess (44) and Charlie Rowley (45) are still seriously ill at the hospital.

– After several samples taken by patients, we now know that they were exposed to nerve load after

The police do not want to say what kind of object it is talking about .

It is the British counterterrorism police who is leading the investigation into the case, and a large number of police officers are crawling parts of Salisbury and. Amesbury to try to determine the source of the poisoning.

Read Background: Criticism for British Novichoke facing England

The two Britons were found unconscious on Saturday in a house in the small town of Amesbury, about 13 kilometers away where the former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter were killed in March.

On Wednesday, Wiltshire police alerted about a "serious incident". London Police Explain Anti-Terrorism Police Help Local Police in Light of "Recent Salisbury Events"

British Media Reports Samples of Substance Sent for Analysis at Porton's Defense Research Lab Down

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Photo: Chris J. Ratcliffe / AFP

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