NTNU leads a European project for smarter cities


Seven European cities participate in the collaboration, around the project CityXChange which was the summit of the European program of research and innovation Horisont2020

NTNU will lead the project and the cities of Trondheim and Limerick in Ireland will become flagship cities

The flagship cities of Trondheim and Limerick will collaborate with the foothills to become pioneering European cities in smart, forward-looking and sustainable solutions.

Annemie Wyckmans

Project Coordinator, NTNU

Sestao (Spain), Pisek (Czech Republic), Smolyan (Bulgaria), Alba Iulia (Romania) and Võru (Estonia) participate in the cooperation

should produce more energy than they consume

Over the next five years, cities will experiment you become smart companies with positive energy. They will use digital services to improve the quality of life of the city's inhabitants, generate more energy than they consume and exchange their experiences with the cities of Europe to learn. from each other, it is mentioned in a statement of of NTNU .

CityxChange was considered the best among the eleven competing proposals

– it's an incredible news. We have high expectations of what we can achieve in this collaboration, "says Professor Annemie Wyckmans, Smartby + CityxChange Project Coordinator and Director of NTNU Smart Sustainable Cities.

Ancient Towns

– The flagship cities of Trondheim and Limerick will collaborate with the foothills for Annemie Wyckmans, European pioneer in smart, forward-looking, sustainable solutions, said:

Trondheim will use Sluppen and Brattøra as test areas. The districts are located at each end of the Knowledge Hub, an area characterized by research, education, dissemination of knowledge, public administration, citizenship and an innovative enterprise, [19659007] Funding

The project will receive 20 million euros and Innovation Horizon 2020 Program. In addition, project partners have invested 10 million euros to ensure the local implementation of demonstration projects in Trondheim and Limerick. The project is scheduled to start on January 1, 2019.

The Panel of Experts, which evaluated the Horizon 2020 funding application, recommends + CityxChange to demonstrate and support actions that will contribute to an overall deployment of positive energy districts in Europe. Are you aware of news from the university and college sector? Sign up for Khrono's free newsletter:

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Sincerely Tove Lie,
] responsible editor, Khrono

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