Online streaming and television services traveling abroad –


Today, access to many online services is often affected by the country in which they live: many found that the content was blocked during trips abroad.

– New streaming services allow us to watch TV shows and content wherever we want. It is also natural to have access to their favorite series for stays abroad, "said Culture Minister Trine Skei Grande (V)." Currently, no changes to the rules apply to shipments. NRK.

The so-called EU regulation on portability came into force in April this year and is now applicable in all EU member states. The regulation provides rules to ensure that subscribers of portable online content services also access these services, regardless of their location in the EEA.

Hope for a fast treatment

The Ministry of Culture presented Friday at Storting a proposal proposing that the regulation is under Norwegian law.

Basically, this only applies to payment services, while for free service providers, it is optional if they wish to be covered by the rules. NRK indicates that they intend to use the regulations over the next year.

The proposal will be discussed at Storting. According to the Government, it is desirable that the Rules come into force as soon as possible following a Storting decision.

– NRK should offer the same offer

Storting's representative, Silje Hjemdal (Frp), who sits on the Family and Culture Committee, said it was a joyous day for the consumer.

"I think most people have been bothered to get the message that" the content is not available in your area "when they are on weekends in Copenhagen or on vacation in the South. Now it will be a good story, says Heimdal to NTB.

It argues that the scheme can not only apply to payment services.

– NRK must commit to providing the same offer. We pay NRK everything in hop, whether we want it or not. Now that we can see Norway's Netflix and TV 2 Sumo in Europe, so should NRK, Heimdal says.

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