Operation Dayworks attacked: – Delusional gross charges


Operation Day is working this year in Palestine. The annual campaign of solidarity between Norwegian students is organized by the student organization, which determines the content of the campaign each year. This year's KFUK-KFUM Global campaign is a campaign for young Palestinians. Classmates will support the work of a day with the slogan "You do not have a life without freedom of life".

But this must not happen in silence. On Saturday this week, the Israeli group, Israel Peace (MIFF), has published an announcement in several of the country's leading newspapers, including the Daily Newspaper, calling for the abandonment of the Dayworks operation this year.

"This year's NDP is a strong anti-Israel campaign that inculcates six-year-old students to a negative view of Israel, in particular, and Jews in general," says the ad. They link this year's ODs to Israel's boycott campaigns and place them in the context of Jewish hatred.

These are incredibly crude charges, "says Håvard Skjerdal.

He is responsible for communication at KFUK-KFUM Global, fearing that the MIFF campaign will weaken work economically and cause students to join the NDP this year, fearing to call hate hate.

Boycott campaign

The campaign goes for trauma treatment, gender equality and human rights in Palestine, says Skjerdal.

He says that KFUK-CUMM will work in all possible ways, democratic and non-violent, for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.

We are for human rights. It will be an advantage, even for Israel, if Palestinian youth starts writing to readers instead of throwing stones, he says.

One of the criticisms of MIFF is that KFUK-KFUM Global has launched a boycott of the property of the occupied territories. But in the OD campaign, the boycott of Israel is not a theme.

It is an attempt to delegitimize our work because of an instrument. It's completely behind on goals, he says.

MIFF has now spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to ensure that young Palestinians do not receive trauma treatment. It's pretty sick, he says.

Skjerdal also criticizes Dagsavisen for putting pressure on the advertisement.

I think the newspaper should not put it. The Daily Newspaper has opted to publish an announcement containing blatant accusations that the NDP, among other things, is attacking Jewish hatred. It does not matter and it's a false accusation, he says.

"It is sad to note that Dagsavisen and other serious newspapers are being used indiscriminately to polarize and chart the debate in this way," Skjerdal said.

Not Jewishness

We did not charge them with Jewishness. What they do, is demonize Israel and Israeli politics. We know from experience that he can quickly fall into anti-Semitism.

That said Jan Benjamin Rødner, who is at the headquarters of Med Israel for Peace.

It has nothing to do with the work of information. They make Israeli soldiers terrorists like men, he says.

So, Operations Dagsverk says that they are not going to boycott. Yes, but the organizations with which they work together are going to a complete boycott. And how they think it will promote some kind of reconciliation, it's a mystery to me, he says.

Rødner also thinks that it is not possible to spend money for this type of work in Palestine without the Palestinian administration spending 80 to 90% of the money .

– You think it's a sneaky terrorist financing?

I have no doubt that this is the case, even though OD management probably does not understand it, says Rødner.

This project has nothing to do with what is going on there. The most important result would be that six cohabitants in Norwegian schools are indoctrinated to hate Israel. It's completely crazy that it gets into the Norwegian school, without any form of opposition or attempt to put it into context, he says.

KFUK-KFUM thinks you are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to prevent young Palestinians from seeking treatment for trauma?

We have nothing against them to receive trauma treatment. But what appears is the symbolic amount. The trauma they are talking about will in practice be a training in valuable methods to attack and stigmatize Israel, he said.

Supports Dayworks operation

Dagsavisen put this ad on the tap. According to Eirik Hoff Lysholm, chief editor responsible, it would be problematic to stop advertisements that violate the political position of the newspaper.

We considered this announcement to be within the limits of the ads, "he said.

We are releasing some friends from Palestine, then we think that it is incorrect to say no to MIFF. This does not mean that Dagsavisen agrees with the content, he adds.

How much did the newspaper earn on the ad?

I do not know and this was not included in our assessment at all.

Should Dagsavisen have students at OD jobs this year?

He can be. The daily supports the Dayworks operation just as much this year as every year, he said.

(For fun: Lysholm is the boss of the journalist who writes this)

READ ALSO: Eirik Hoff Lysholm, editor-in-chief of Dagsavisen, spoke of another opportunity announced by MIFF.

OD day on Thursday

The OD day is this year, Thursday, November 1st. Students in high schools and high schools across the country work one day and earn at least $ 300 for the campaign. This means, for example, that today there may be a lot of ball vendors in the center, but also that many jobs will have a slightly lower average age.

Before the NDP, an information campaign called International Week is organized. The NDP was founded in 1964.

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