Peak CBS is under investigation for sexual assault


The charges against Moonves are featured in a report in The New Yorker Friday. It's the magazine that earlier this year is sure that the case against producer Harvey Weinstein has begun to roll.

In the story, journalist Ronan Farrow writes that six women told him that Moonves sexually harassed them in the 1980s to 2010.

Four of the women tell them to be force-fed and kissed without giving their consent during business meetings. Two others say Moonves frightened them physically or threatened to end their career.


Everyone says that the CBS spike was cold and hostile after rejecting him and believing that their carriers had suffered. consequence of that.

– I was the victim of sexual harassment. Then I got fired for not participating, says actor and author Illeana Douglas.

Moonves has been a voice in the # metoo campaign, including helping fund a new commission to investigate the problems of abuse and harassment in Hollywood.

Douglas says that she knew people associated with the commission and planned to tell them their story until she saw that Moonves was one of the members.

– I do not think that a reef should keep a henhouse, she told the New Yorker.


Ronan Farrow has already won a Pulitzer Prize for his revelations about Weinstein's sexual assault on women, among which a number of well-known actors.

– All charges of undesirable behavior must be taken seriously, it is stated in an announcement by the CBS Board of Directors, which therefore opens an investigation.

Moonves is one of the highest paid senior executives in the United States and, according to Forbes magazine, has a personal wealth of nearly NOK 6 billion.

The news of alleged charges against Moonves on Friday lowered the price of CBS shares by 6.6%.

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