POLICY – Putin's worst enemy of the relationship does not work


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Trump invites Putin to the United States and emphasizes the importance of a good relationship between countries. At the same time, the president says that he will become the worst enemy of Putin if he does not fit.

Trump, who on Monday received massive criticism after Russian President Vladimir Putin's summit in Helsinki, highlights in a televised interview with CNBC the importance of a good relationship between countries.

– Going with Putin and joining Russia is positive, not negative, he said.

– That being said, if it does not work, I will be the worst enemy he has ever had, let the president go away.

Trump reiterated Thursday that he was very happy about Monday's meeting, which he believes he was wrong because of what he calls "false news".

– The summit in Russia has been a great success, except for the real people, the False News media. I hope we can begin to implement the many things we have discussed, writes Trump, and address some of the biggest challenges in global politics, including the fight against terrorism, the security of Israel. , the proliferation of nuclear weapons, cyberattacks, Ukraine, peace in the Middle East and North Korea.

New meeting in the autumn

Trump denied in Helsinki to approve the conclusion of a global US intelligence environment that Russia has tried to influence the presidential elections in 2016. However When he returned to Washington, he claimed that he had succumbed to press conference with Putin.

Donald Trump's spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, says that there is talk of a new visit this fall, but she could not say where it was going to happen.

The White House states that it is National Security Advisor John Bolton who has been appointed to officially invite Putin to the United States.

– Danger of filming

US intelligence chief Dan Coats was at a security conference in Aspen, Colorado, when he learned from reporters that Putin was invited to the United States.

– I did not realize it. It's going to be special, Coats said. He added that he had no information on what had been said at the meeting in Helsinki.

– It is the president who is responsible. But had he asked me how to arrange the meeting, I would have suggested a different arrangement. There is always a danger that Putin will have such relationships, Coats said.

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