Prisoner Abroad: TV Reporter 2 Kadafi Zaman Arrested in Pakistan


TV 2 profiled reporter, Kadafi Zaman, is arrested in Pakistan. He confirms Karianne Solbrække, TV2 TV station editor in Dagbladet

– Kadafi was arrested by the Pakistani police no later than 1 pm yesterday, just before joining the news channel, said Dagbladet. They do not know the cause of Zaman's arrest.

– We know that he was placed in a cell with other people. Someone in his family has been in prison and talked to him. We know that it seems to be going well after the circumstances, but we do not know the details, she says and points out:

– We are doing everything possible to take it out of the trial, in cooperation with the UD and the Norwegian Embassy in Pakistan

Zaman was originally on vacation in Pakistan, where he was invited to a wedding. When the agenda in Pakistan was discussed earlier this week, it covered the issue of television 2.

Yesterday, Zaman covered mass protests and political meetings before the provincial election and national held 25. July

– He was arrested just before joining the news channel, "says Solbrække.

A series of reports on the mass demonstrations of politicians who support former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Muslim League party in Pakistan

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"Shocked" by the police

Zaman himself was present at one of the protests yesterday, according to his Twitter profile . It appears that he was in Kotla, Gujrat, about 20 miles north of Lahore.

  Photo: Private
Photo: Private
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"Shocked at how the police behave during the elections in Pakistan, arresting and arresting the politicians of Muslim League N. Fair and free elections?", Zaman wrote on Twitter yesterday

The Norwegian journalist followed a video of demonstrators showing his support for the party, with the following text:

"Thousands of people in the rural area of ​​Kotla in Gujrat met to support their local Muslim League N politicians. They forced the police to retreat. "

The Daily Times reports that nearly 700 people were arrested in Gujrat in connection with the demonstrations

Dagbladet watched videos and photos of Zaman arrested by local police. who has been very active in social media in recent days, has not given up since yesterday. "Zaman's phone was also rejected

Dagbladet has not yet been able to clarify Zaman's goals.

Dagbladet was in contact with the Foreign Ministry on Saturday afternoon

.] Protests: Pakistani supporters of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif were photographed yesterday, waiting for the arrest. from Sharif to Lahore airport. Photo: Arif Ali / AFP / NTB Scanpix
DEMONSTRATIONS: Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was photographed yesterday, while awaiting Sharif's landing at Lahore airport. Photo: Arif Ali / AFP / NTB Scanpix
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– Political Motivation

The period leading up to the elections was marked by political unrest and a series of attacks on election campaigns.

Former Prime Minister Sharif, sentenced to 10 years in prison in absentia for corruption, was sentenced to 10 years in prison Friday stopped at Lahore airport after his return from London

< img itemprop = "image" title = "PÅGREPET: Pakistans tidligere statsminister Nawaz Sharif, som er dømt for korrupsjon, ble fredag ​​pågrepet på flyplassen i Lahore etter å ha kommet hjem fra London.

Foto: Drazen Gorgic / Reuters / NTB Scanpix "alt =" AFTER: Former Pakistani Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, found guilty of corruption, was arrested Friday at Lahore airport after returning from London .

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, convicted of corruption, was arrested Friday at Lahore airport after returning from London.

Photo: Gorgic / Reuters / Scanpix NTB gears
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[NTNT] reported Friday night that tens of thousands of Sharif supporters tried to get to the airport to welcome him home, but the authorities have deployed nearly 20,000 police and soldiers to prevent events. According to Sharif's party, at least 4,000 party members were arrested on Friday by the Pakistani police.

Prior to his arrival, the former prime minister made it clear that he knew he would be jailed. Sharif believes the verdict is politically motivated.

– I would like to say to the Pakistanis that I am doing this for their good. Join us to change the course of this country, he said before the elections to be held on July 25.

  ANGREP: More than 120 people were killed when a suicide bomber attacked an election campaign outside Quetta. IS claims to be behind. Photo: Banaras Khan / AFP / NTB Scanpix
ANGREP: More than 120 people were killed when a suicide bomber attacked an election campaign outside Quetta, in the south-west of Pakistan. IS claims to be behind. Photo: Banaras Khan / AFP / NTB Scanpix
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Bomb Attack

On Thursday, more than 120 people were killed after a bomb attack on an election campaign outside Quetta, 105 miles southwest of Gujarat – where Zaman stayed yesterday , according to local authorities. against a political event in the country up to now. In addition to 128 killed, about 150 were wounded, among them more critical, reports NTB.

The bloodbath took place in the city of Mastung not far from Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan. The attack was perpetrated by a suicide bomber, and IS claims in a message to stand behind

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