– Russia mores worry the most – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


Norway's chief of defense has no doubt about what worries him most in the current situation of security policy:

– The situation with Russia in recent years is ranked number one. We do not directly fear that Russia represents a threat, but we have seen a much more autonomous Russia that has chosen to use military force to achieve its political goals, "Haakon Bruun-Hanssen told NRK, adding :

– We saw it in Georgia in 2008, Crimea and Ukraine in 2014, and we saw them using military force to support the Assad regime in Syria.

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Photo: Eirik Ramberg / NRK

– Uses false news to destabilize the earth

Not only does the military side worry the leader of defense when it is the neighboring country of Norway in the East

– Russia has also undermined legally elected organizations, social structures and governments throughout the world. 39; Europe. Through fake news and support and influence organizations, they destabilize some of the NATO and EU countries. All this concerns us

Bruun-Hanssen believes that the situation is a security challenge in Europe.

– This is a development that we have not seen since the Cold War. This creates security problems for Europe as a whole and for individual nations.

The Russian Embassy in Norway has not yet wanted to comment on this.

Listen to the entirety of Haakon Bruun-Hanssen's interview in the Summer District, the political district's summer edition, here