Sending defense on the Mexican border to end the "national crisis"




A column of several thousand migrants from Central America is slowly moving towards the United States. Now, Trump will send troops to stop them.

published: Updated: 25.10.18 22:30

He brings back AP News, who spoke with sources at the Pentagon. It is expected that United States Defense Minister Jim Mattis will soon issue the March order to send at least 800 troops to the southern border areas to help border guards.

What US troops are going to do is unclear at the moment. At present, 2100 people from the national security forces are stationed along the American border in Mexico.

Big wave

Troops are sent to the border as several thousand people from Central America travel to the US border. According to AP, the immigrant group is now in Mexico, but they are far from the US border.

It is not known when the group will reach the US border. The size of the group is not clear either and the calculations range from 3600 to 7200 people. The group moves on foot and they started walking in Honduras.

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Attack the Democrats

The Republican President, Donald Trump, accuses the Democrats of making laws making it difficult to arrest immigrants at the border. He added that those who will try to enter the country will be arrested in order to avoid what he may fear a national crisis.

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The Mexican authorities have tried, without hesitation, to prevent the migration of these people when they crossed the Guatemalan border last Friday.

Political gold

The striking images of thousands of migrants heading north have played a vital role in the debate on immigration in the United States and the Middle East.

We know that the president is frustrated by the fact that his election promise may be the best known: an impenetrable wall against Mexico has not yet been realized. He mentions the migratory flow to the north as a "trail" towards the border and uses the case for all that it is worth.

"If the column of migrants had not existed, President Donald Trump may have had to find it, writes the Liberal website Vox.

"It will be a choice between Kavanaugh, the column, public order and common sense," said the president himself in an election in Montana.

So, it indicates the migrants and The disruptive battle over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as the most important issues to bring Republican voters to the polls in November.

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