Several hundred tourists stranded on the volcano after the earthquake


Walkers and their guides are stuck as the roads of the volcano are destroyed as a result of landslides, report the authorities of the country Monday morning.

Helicopters and rescuers work on the active Rinjani volcano, a popular destination known for its beautiful walks.

The magnitude 6.4 earthquake occurred late Saturday night and damaged more than 1,000 buildings. At least 16 people were confirmed following the earthquake and subsequent landslides.

Several Descendants Sunday

According to Sudiyono, the head of the Rinjani Mountain National Park, there were 820 people on the volcano when the earthquake began. evacuated, reports Reuters.

Most of those who are stranded are foreigners, plus United States and Thailand.

According to the authorities, tourists are stranded in two different places in the mountains. The Rinjani Mountain rises to 3726 meters and is the second largest volcano in Indonesia. According to the Gurdian, hikers usually use at least two days to reach the summit

Request a rest

According to a local news site, two helicopters were mobilized to pick up hikers and transport food to those which are still stranded.

184 people, including soldiers, police, health workers, volunteers and national park staff, are participating in the rescue mission on Monday, according to The Guardian.

Rinjani National Park staff closed the climbing routes on Sunday, and encouraged tourists to stay where they are until they are picked up by the rescuers.

The earthquake had the center seven kilometers below the surface of the earth, about 50 kilometers northeast of the town of Mataram is on Lombok. Shallow shells, that is, shells that are within 60 kilometers of the ground, increase the risk of injury and death.

The powerful shame that drove people to flee their homes was followed by two more earthquakes. in addition to more than 130 replicas. Two of the replicas had a strength of more than 5.

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