"Stoltenberg does a good job – DN.no


– What matters to Jens Stoltenberg, is to be in the vanguard of all and to do justice to the different views of the Allies. It may sound easy, but it's not under any circumstances, says Kim Traavik at DN.

From 2006 to 2010, the experienced diplomat was ambassador to the Norwegian delegation to NATO on the outskirts of the Belgian capital, Brussels. He says that it is not uncommon with excited situations and disagreements within the alliance, but that this summit is special.

  • The heads of state of the 29 member countries of the alliance meet Wednesday, July 11 and Thursday, July 12 at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
  • Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg will chair the meeting for the third time.
  • Donald Trump's behavior at the meeting generated a lot of enthusiasm. The big problem of the battle during the meeting is how to ensure a fairer sharing of the alliance.
  • From Norway, Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Foreign Minister Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide and Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen.

Source: NATO

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On Wednesday morning, US President Donald Trump attacked Germany during a breakfast with Jens Stoltenberg. He called Germany "prisoner of Russia" and demanded that Stoltenberg react to what he thought of the situation.

– Trump's statements highlight the particular context of this meeting. It is quite special that the most powerful man in the world so opposes an allied governor, says Traavik.

"Quite Exceptional"

Jens Stoltenberg responded that it was important that the alliance be assembled but was quickly interrupted by Trump.

– You are only making Russia richer. You just made Russia richer, "said Trump.

After the meeting, Stoltenberg told the promoted journalists that the debate on Russian gas does not belong to NATO.

– It is well known that there is a different view of Nord Stream 2 in Germany. It's not up to NATO to decide, it's a national decision

Traavik supports Stoltenberg's point of view.

– NATO has nothing to do with the pipeline. It is interesting that Trump addresses this issue. This shows how unorthodox he is. It connects things that do not have a connection.

– The fact that a head of state is so direct to work is quite exceptional, he says.

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Kim Traavik is an experienced diplomat. From 2006 to 2010, he was ambassador to the Norwegian delegation to NATO. Photo: Anette Karlsen / NTB scanpix

When German Chancellor Angela Merkel was confronted with Trump's attack, she said:

– I myself have lived in a part of the Germany controlled by the Soviet Union and I am very happy, she said, without mentioning Trump by name.

The boys of Stoltenberg

The big problem of the battle is how to share the defense charges. must be. In 2014, NATO nations agreed to steer towards the use of two percent of their gross domestic product each year in defense.

Trump thinks that development is going too slowly and that the United States is taking a disproportionate share of allies.

On the eve of the summit, Jens Stoltenberg rejected the "Trump leadership", while thanking the European heads of state for increasing his budgets.

– Stoltenberg plays the role of Secretary General of NATO, and he is doing well. It tries to facilitate positive solutions for Europeans and Americans, and to bring them together around a common unit.

"Violent Temperature"

There was a lot of excitement about what Trump would do at the meeting. On the eve of his arrival in Brussels, he fired his European allies in a series of posts on Twitter.

– NATO countries must pay MORE, the United States has to pay less. He wrote:

Svein Melby, senior researcher at the Department of Defense Studies, does not know if Trump's statements are a tactic of the president or he really means what's wrong. he says.

– It raises a violent temperature before the meeting begins. It may be that he does it as a conscious tactic to make a move in the European states, but I have a clear idea that what he says is an expression of Trump's skepticism by the arrangements groups of which the United States is a part. 19659002] Since Trump took office as president, he has rejected many of the international institutions that the United States built – in trade, climate and defense.

– He sees the programs as a school at home. I think we should seriously consider that he wants a different world order based more broadly on bilateral agreements, "said Melby (The Terms)

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