Stormy Daniels – Stormy Daniels is divorced for the third time


Since the alleged case with US President Donald Trump, 71, was known earlier this year, he stormed the US pornstar Stormy Daniels (38).

A few weeks after his arrest In an Ohio striptease club, his lawyer, Michael Avenatti, confirms that she and her husband, Glendon Crain, must divorce.

– My client Stormy Daniels and her husband Glen decided to end the marriage. A divorce petition was filed last week, he wrote on Twitter

According to Business Insider, the duo is married since 2010 and they have a daughter of seven years

Porn Stars has already married, according to the New York Post.

Come With Spontaneous Revelations

Stormy Daniels was a relatively unknown name for most people until early this year when the Wall Street Journal wrote that Donald Trump's lawyer would have had to pay to Daniels $ 130,000, or about one million Norwegian kroner. The alleged case with the president

Since then, he has stormed the 38-year-old young man, who has filed two lawsuits against the president

It has been six months since the last months – just after the president married his current wife, Melania Trump (47). According to Daniels, both must have met during a golf tournament and later started an intimate relationship. The article continues during the advertisement

In an interview in the documentary 60 Minutes plus Earlier this year, she came up with a spicy complaints meeting that she should have had with Donald Trump.

One of the meetings should have been in a room where there was a magazine with Trump on the front.

– "Someone should take care of this magazine" Daniels said she told the 71-year-old man. So, she should have given him some applause.

– Then he said, "You are special, you remind me of my daughter. Smart and beautiful. She continued

– I DO NOT KNOW: Pornstar Stormy Daniels is believed to have received $ 130,000 to stand near an alleged sexual relationship with Donald Trump. Donald Trump said in early April that he did not know about the money or where they were coming from. Video: CNN
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Fear for his own safety

In February, Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, admitted to having paid the pornstar more than a million crowns to sign a confidentiality declaration. However, he felt that the payment was not illegal.

– Neither the Trump organization nor Trump's election campaign participated in the Daniels transaction, neither of them have repaid payment, directly or indirectly. York Times.

Daniels wanted to get out of the deal because Trump never signed it.

Trump's lawyer, however, went to court because he believed that she had broken the case.

In an interview with "60 Minutes," Daniels claims that she signed because she feared for the safety of her own family. ] Stormy Daniels has been an established figure in the American porn industry for the past 18 years, and has starred in more than 150 adult films since 2000. In addition, the 38-year-old is also known as screenwriter and director

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