Studying Trumps' twitter reports – Dagbladet


NEW YORK (Dagbladet): Since last summer, Mueller has conducted the investigation to determine if there was a kind of conspiracy between the Trump camp and the Russian authorities to influence the elections presidential elections in 2016 and to investigate trying to prevent the judicial system from dealing with Russian interference.

Even Trump rejects all charges and calls the investigation a "witch hunt". Until now, however, dozens of people are accused of serious federal crimes. Among others, former Trump election commander Paul Manafort, according to the court's July 31 plan, and Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, were convicted of defaming the FBI

. New York Times

Comey Negative

For years, he used Twitter, where he has 53.3 million followers, to care about almost everything and everyone. According to the newspaper, it is mostly Trump's negative comments that have joined Twitter on his own justice minister, Jeff Sessions, and former FBI boss, James Comey.

– Why did not Andrew McCabe, the FBI's chief justice minister, lead the Clinton inquiry … but received huge sums (700 $ 000) for the election campaign of his wife of Hillary Clinton and his representatives. wrote to the president two days later

– Lying, Fleeing and Protecting

Similarly, Trump came out hard against Comey.

– Wow. The FBI confirms that James Comey had written a letter that freaks Hillary Clinton well before the investigation is over. Many people have not asked any questions, including Clinton himself. Comey said under oath that he did not do that. (…) Where is the Ministry of Justice? Trump on Twitter in October last year before he continues :

– It seems that James Comey lied and disclosed and completely protected Hillary Clinton. He was the best that ever happened to him!

is part of a desperate attempt to overthrow a president

– To prevent the work of the judiciary, do it quietly and secretly not in public, says Giuliani.


The Mueller team has already negotiated with Trumps' lawyers the terms of a possible interrogation with the president.

According to CNN, Trumps supporters argue that if the investigation is to include the constituency assembly, then the potential issue should be limited to the period before Trump becomes president. In this case, he eliminates the issues he may have hindered the work of the judiciary or other events since Trump was obeyed in January 2017.

It is still not known what Mueller will conclude that he has enough evidence to target Trump for a crime.

He told Trumps' lawyers that he will follow the guidelines of the Department of Justice, concluding that a sitting president can not be charged. In this case, it may mean that he is sending a report to Congress instead. In this case, it will be up to the electorate to begin the work of setting up Trump before the Supreme Court.

FINLAND: US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin meet the press before their meeting in Helsinki, Finland. Video: CNN
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