Summit in Helsinki: – Previous Councilor dropped the interview: – Impossible to defend Trump


As spokesman for the United States National Security Council (NSC) and Trump 's advisor, Michael Anton played an important role around the table when the President decided last year to d & # 39; attack the Sharyat plane in Syria. early April, but has always been loyal to President Trump. He quickly changed after the US President's meeting with Vladimir Putin yesterday.

Yesterday, the former advisor would be the guest of CNN's "Out Front" program, led by Erin Burnett. He should first explain and defend Trump 's statements in the joint press conference with Putin after the summit yesterday.

  CONSULTANT: Michael Anton (far right) had an important seat around the table when the President decided to attack the Sharyat plane in Syria. Photo: The White House
ADVISER: Michael Anton (far right) had an important seat around the table when the President last year decided to attack the Sharyat plane in Syria. Photo: The White House
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On Twitter, however, Burnett could report:

"Michael Anton, former spokesman for Trump / NSC, canceled his appearance at Outfront because he could not defend Donald Trump today. # 39; hui ".

CNN Program Manager followed the statement that Anton should participate in the program to defend the appearance of Trump in Helsinki:

– But he is not there because he said that he could not defend it.

Storm [19659011] Critics hailed Monday's presidential press conference, and over the past 24 hours he has experienced a steady storm.

Few people have overtaken Trump's party, Republican Senator John McCain, who denies Trump's scandalous appearance:

The article goes on during the announcement [19659002-TheHelsinkipressconferencewasoneofthemostoutrageousperformancesofaUSpresidentMcCainsaidinastatementMonday

– President Trump proved not only that he was unable to confront Putin, but that he was also not willing to do it. He and Putin seemed to be reading the same scenario while Trump had deliberately chosen to defend a bully against the fair questions of an independent press, McCain said before he thundered:

– He went Putin a plate from which he could spit his propaganda and his lies to the rest of the world.

The experienced politician says that it is tempting to call the press conference a "pathetic withdrawal" that illustrates the dangers of lack of preparation and inexperience. perhaps "before it comes with a solid tirade:

– But it's not the miserable Twitter reports writing a novice politician." Such were the conscious choices of a president apparently meant to achieve his illusions about a warm relationship with Putin's regime regardless of the true nature of the regime, the violent disrespect for the sovereignty of the neighboring country, his Putin, Red TORDNET: Republican Senator John McCain did not not spared the power of the force that he directed against Donald Trump last night.Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP / NTB Scanpix "src =" 70023768 & width = 1024 & height = 615 "class =" ">

TORDNET: Republican Senator John McCain did not spare the crutch in power, even though he targeted Donald Trump last night. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP / NTB Scanpix
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– Laugh

Most critics came after Trump in Helsinki yesterday refused to endorse US intelligence's finding that Russia would have mingled with the presidential elections in 2016, according to NTB.

Russian President Vladimir Putin repeated at the press conference yesterday that the country does not interfere or want to interfere with US electoral processes.

Trump called the claims of a disaster for the United States.

– There was no conspiracy at all. Everyone knows it, said Trump, calling the investigation into the alleged involvement of Russia in the 2016 elections of a decision too ridiculous:

– C & # 39; is ridiculous. It's ridiculous, says Trump in reference to the prosecution's examination by the investigator Robert Mueller

However, the same day, the president posted a message on Twitter saying that He trusted the United States. The Intelligence

– As I said today, and many times before, I have a GREAT confidence in MY people of intelligence. But I also realize that to create a better future, we can not focus solely on the past – as the two largest nuclear forces in the world, we must meet, wrote Trump on Twitter Monday night . today and many times before, "I have a GREAT confidence in MY people of intelligence." However, I also recognize that to build a better future, we can not focus exclusively on the past – as the two largest nuclear powers in the world, we must along! # HELSINKI2018

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 16, 2018


The former CIA chief, John O. Brennan, who led the CIA from 2013 to 2017., calls the appearance of Trump at the press conference for "traitor."

"Donald Trump's press conference in Helsinki was just treacherous – not only were Trump's statements silly, he is completely in Putin's pocket," he wrote on Twitter .

A little more surprising, two twitter reports of the company publish the largest American dictionary, Merriam-Webster. defines patriot and traitor

Merriam-Webster also has followed with the definition of a "Quisling":

– Low and Dangerous

Chuck Schumer, minority Democratic Leader in the Senate, also criticized Trump's critics Monday night. Schumer says that Trump's conduct towards Russia is "weak" and "dangerous".

Senator Lindsey Graham also comments Twitter . He believes that Trump has not taken the opportunity to hold Russia accountable for the composition of the elections in 2016. He believes that Trump should have given a harsh warning for future elections.

– This President Trump's response will see Russia as a sign of weakness and will cause more problems than it does. Resolves, writes Graham

Another who threw himself into the storm is the former acting justice minister of Usa, Sally Yates. – Not only chose our president today as a tyrant rather than his own intelligence, he also chose the interests of Russia in front of the country that he swore to protect, writes Yates on

– All Americans should raise their voices. Let the world hear what we stand for, she writes.

Trump kicked Yates shortly after being named president. She served as Vice Minister of Justice in the Obama administration for two years before serving as Minister of Justice for ten days under Trump's leadership. Then she was released from her post because she ordered the Department of Justice not to defend Trump's ban on entry. Since then, she has politically criticized the president, writes NTB.

ESTIMATED: A man with a homemade sign was thrown before the press conference between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Video: AP / NTB Scanpix
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