Sweden Democrats want Swexit – Aftenposten


– We are the centrifugal force in Swedish politics, said Jimmie Åkesson from the Swedish Democrats own tent podium at the week of the Politics Week.

He went from one tent to another to answer questions from different media, followed by loyal gang spectators with white caps and the SD inscription. Åkesson has promised tax deductions for those who want to install housing alarms. It's about security and law and order. September 9 is the choice in Sweden.


Politikeruken, which corresponds to the Norwegian week Arendal, celebrates a day at each party. And while the Swedish Democrats were the last two teams, when many went down their tents and had to compete with the quarter-finals of the World Cup, Åkesson noted that the holiday had nonetheless made the event even worse. discussed throughout the week.

– No matter what question you ask, I will answer yes. For all scenarios, it is quite conceivable, he told Swedish radio about different government alternatives.

None of the parties to the Riksdag will negotiate with the Swedish Democrats. However, in the polls, neither the red bloc nor the bourgeois bloc has the majority alone.

To Aftenposten's questions, Åkesson confirms that he inspired neighboring countries to make further pronouncements on the electoral resignation.

– Sweden stands out in this context, Åkesson says that the party has no friends at the Riksdag.

– We received a lot of inspiration from the Danish People's Party, which had a great influence in Denmark. The truth is another cooperation party that has had a period of government. Even the Norwegian government, where it is possible to obtain cooperation between the Law Party and the Progress Party. It's possible in other countries, and it should be that, says Åkesson.

Do you think that will happen?

– Sooner or later, he will do it. The most important thing is not the way the government looks, but what policy comes out on the other end.

What does it mean for voters that no one will work with you?

– Voters receive a double signal. On the one hand, a signal that you should not cooperate with us. But more and more voters think that it is more important that the country be governed. This has been very difficult during this period, and it will be more difficult in the next period if they do not want to talk to us. I think voters are sad, says Åkesson to Aftenposten

Wants to get out of the EU

The most important issue of Swedish Democrats is the politics of immigration. But the party is also against Swedish membership in the EU. Åkesson describes the EU as corrupt and says he wants to regain power in the Swedish parliament, but he wants to keep free trade with the EU countries. An opinion poll of the European Parliament has recently shown that support for EU membership is increasing among Swedes. Åkesson will nevertheless have a referendum on swexit.

Would you rather be like Norway in the EEA than Sweden in the EU?

– It would be a good step on the road, even though I think Switzerland has a better model. But yes, it's better even if you in Norway have to buy a lot of legislation and it costs a lot, so it's a step in the right direction, "said Åkesson.

In Almedal's week-long streets, followers of the Swedish Democrats have been visible with their hats and T-shirts.The Swedish Democrats have increased their power in the polls. Åkesson thinks it's possible that 39 they become the biggest party, even though most place them in number two or three.Most commentators agree that the party changed after Jimmie Åkesson took the lead in 2005. But State scientist Jonas Hinnfors of the University of Gothenburg believes that the changes that have occurred over the last five to ten years are not great, even though he says the party's rhetoric is become "softer" .Although he can talk less about, for example, the "Ethnicity, rhetoric is hard against Islam and Muslims," ​​says Hinnerfors.

A number of party members have been expelled from the party in recent years because they have invented racist statements. When the party was formed in 1988, it had its roots in racist white power environments. Åkesson believes, however, that there is another one today, and that voters want to talk about politics and not hear "what a cousin in the Swedish Democrats' story said there is is 30 years old. "

– A unique story. Nobody thinks we are the same as thirty years ago, "said Åkesson.

He believes that other parties do not know the Swedish Democrats if they want to become the party most importantly, what he believes is possible this year or in the next election

Political commentator Fredrik Furtenbach in Swedish radio says Swedish Democrats are debating the debate because other parties are affected when they grow up.

– In a way, they are still there because you have the question of how to form a government without them, there is a problem for the other parties, the same thing applies to debate on immigration.The other parties do not win the theme, "Furtenbach said.

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