Sweden Proposes Water Bombers From Turkey


Sweden must rely on fewer European firefighters and say yes to a Turkish plane. The authorities are considering the aid of NATO and partner countries

at a press conference organized on Thursday by Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Anneli Bergholm Söder at a conference of press

. Söder said. Löfven said the government has therefore decided that MSB could seek assistance from NATO countries and alliance partner countries, such as Turkey and Ukraine.

Sweden is not a member of NATO but part of the Partnership for Peace. PfP.]

See Responsibility

The law states that all residents must show responsibility and respect the prohibition to use grills and fire outdoors.

According to SOS Alarm, there were 21 fires in Sweden on Thursday morning. The authorities say, however, that firefighters have more control over them than in the past.

The Prime Minister states that eight countries help Sweden in its work of extinction.

– The danger of new fires is high. It's always a serious situation. The extremely hot weather seems to continue, and it imposes endurance, "says Löfven

Interior Minister Morgan Johansson says there is always a risk of proliferation, although that there is rain for the weekend. route

Two Italian water bombers leave Sweden on Thursday afternoon. The two flights of France will leave Wednesday, but will be replaced by two new members Friday. Two Catalina Portuguese flights are also involved in the fire works. Two new helicopters from Germany and one from Lithuania come to Växsjö on Thursday night. A large number of helicopters from several countries are already at stake.

The promise will not matter how much the bill will be for any help that Sweden has received from the United States. # 39; abroad.

– When the bill arrives, we will pay. Sweden has strong public finances, he says

The Prime Minister does not rule out Sweden acquiring fire extinguishers, either alone or in cooperation with other countries. At Thursday's government meeting, an additional grant of 300 million Norwegian kroner was granted to municipalities and 25 million to non-governmental organizations.

– People affected by drought and fire should not sail on their own sea. Now we stay together, says Löfven.

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