Syria protests against "Israeli aggression"


Syria rejects aircraft being shot down in Israeli airspace

* 1,200 square kilometers south of Syria

* Large areas were occupied by Israel during the six-day war in 1967 and annexed in 1981.

* Israel has established about 30 settlements in the region, currently living around 20,000 settlers.

* The UN Security Council has repeatedly ruled that the occupation, annexation and settlements were illegal.

Reviving the Golan Heights in 1973.

* The following year, a ceasefire was supervised by a United Nations peacekeeping force.

Source: NTB

At approximately 1:00 pm Norwegian time, Israel announced that it had fired. Russian-made Syrian Sukhoi aircraft

– A short time ago, two Patriot missiles were fired at a Syrian fighter from Sukhoi who infiltrated into Israeli airspace. The plane was monitored and entered two kilometers into Israeli airspace, according to a statement from the Israeli Defense, IDF

C & # 39; is the second time in 30 years that l & # 39; s 39; IDF fires on a Syrian plane. According to the Times and Israel, the Su-22 or Su-24 aircraft attacked planes, specializing in ground attacks.

Colonel Lieutenant Jonathan Conricus of the IDF states that the aircraft is flying "at a relatively high speed" before entering Israeli airspace.

A source from the Syrian Army told the Syrian Syrian News Agency that the plane had attacked a hiding place for terrorists associated with ISIS, denying that the Aircraft were in Israeli airspace. According to Syrian sources, the plane approached the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights when it was shot down.

"The attack on the plane, which bombed the terrorist gathering points, confirms the Israeli aggression," the source said. Volunteer or not, Israel helped the IS, means Syria.

A pilot, Omran Muri, died, according to the Syrian Army. He reports Sputnik. The plane should have descended into the Jarmuk Valley, on a side wheel of the Jordan, which will still be under the control of the IS, south of the Golan Heights.

The fate of the other pilot is uncertain.

L & 39 attack is in the ghost town

What is "Israeli airspace" could be controversial.The trips that the plane should have bombed were located at Quneitra, a Syrian city in a valley in the Golan Heights, completely destroyed and displaced during the Jom Kippur War in 1974. During the last day of the six-day war in 1967, Israel conquered the city, changed hands many times before Israel withdrew.

However, most of the Golan Heights are still under Israeli control, a state that Syria does not accept, nor the majority of the international community . Thus, the condition of the border in the region is somewhat unrealistic. The demilitarized zone is 80 kilometers long and a few kilometers wide along the eastern limit of the Golan Heights (see map below).

Quneitra is now located in the demilitarized zone of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, between Syria and Israel. The Israeli ambassador to the UN said that he had warned Syria that the area needed to be demilitarized.

Syrian forces claim to attack ISIL positions in Quinatra (Al Qunaytirah), in the demilitarized zone along the Golan Heights, Israel claims that the plane flew into space Israeli air.

Syrian forces claim to attack ISIL positions in Quinatra, (Al Qunaytirah), in the demilitarized zone along the Golan Heights, Israel claims that the plane flew into the area. Israeli airspace.

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