Ten wounded in knife attacks on a bus in Germany


Police statement reveals that 10 people were injured but not threatened. The attacker also hit the driver.

On Twitter, the police also wrote that a suspect was arrested and detained. The man must be a 34 year old man of German nationality living in Lübeck. There should be no indication that man has been radicalized or affiliated with terrorist organizations.

According to a police spokesman, the police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack.

You must also find a dusty backpack on the bus. He was investigated by the bomb group who found flammable material but not explosive.

A Cooking Knife According to Witnesses

A large number of police officers went to the Kücknitz district, in the northern German city where the attack took place and was blocked

. fired a weapon from a sack and began to attack the other passengers. Another eyewitness describes the newspaper's weapon as a kitchen knife, writes the newspaper Lübecker Nachrichten

. "One of the victims had just offered her seat to an elderly lady when the attacker suddenly stabbed her in the chest – it was a bloodbath, says a witness."

The suspect was arrested promptly

The bus driver should have immediately stopped the bus and opened the doors so that the passengers could escape.One of the police patrol cars was accidentally proximity, and a suspect was arrested

The motive is not yet known.

Lübeck is a city in the north-east of Hamburg with more than 218 000 inhabitants.

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