Thailand: Four boys saved, hope is to go out more cave on Monday


At a press conference Sunday night at local time, Provincial Governor Narongsak Osottanakorn announced that the rescue operation would take place between 10 and 20 hours

L & # 39; one reason is that the oxygen bottles are empty and need to be refilled. In addition, specialized divers must rest before they can continue the very demanding and dangerous operation.

A total of 90 special divers participated in the rescue operation. 50 of them are foreign divers while 40 come from Thailand

A calm calmer

Danish diver Ivan Karadzic, who participates in the rescue operation, told the Danish national channel DR that the four rescuers saved before transport …

– The goal was to avoid panic, he says. Karadzic further states that the boys were tied with the line to the divers who rocked them.

He also says that there is no doubt that the rescue operation has taken a break.

– It goes on all night. But we used all the oxygen tanks and new ideas must be in place before the next group can be picked up, he explains.

No More Rain

The Remains Remain on the Rock Shelter Inside the Cave

On Sunday, the weather conditions were favorable and the water level at the l & # 39; Inside, the cave had fallen. This has allowed relief to work faster than expected. But the night to Monday local time began to rain heavily again. In addition, the level of oxygen in the cave is approaching a dangerous low level. Thus, relief forces fight against the clock and against water

– In good shape

At the press conference on Sunday, Governor Narongsak reported that the four boys rescued were those who had the best health.

Governor Narongsak also said that he had spoken to the boys and that they seemed to be in relatively good shape, taking into account the circumstances. They are all sent to the hospital for gaming checks.

1 kilometer dive

According to a rescuer with whom the Guardian newspaper spoke, the level of water in the interior From the cave had fallen so much that the boys could walk more places instead of having to swim or dive.

Nevertheless, the boys had to dive for 1 kilometer, Governor Narongsak said.

The first two left the cave at 17:40 local time, wearing solid diving masks and diving equipment. About two hours later, they came to the next two boys.

The tired parents

A whole world followed the grotrama and there are a lot of people there. Many parents of the 13 also gathered at the cave. When the news came that the first boys were out, the mood dissipated.

Before the rescue operation began on Sunday, police blocked a large area around the entrance so that rescue teams could work undisturbed.

In addition, the parents and other relatives of the 13 had to move away from the deserted area. Governor Narongsak did not want to give the names of the four rescued, so tense parents had to wait in uncertainty.

(© NTB)

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