The British are preparing for the brexit. These are horror scenarios if the country has to leave the EU without agreement.


Negotiations on Brexit are still ongoing. It is mostly the question of how the United Kingdom will withdraw from the customs union, which is the most troubled issue.

According to the Financial Times, there is only one option for an agreement that is still on the table – the so-called Checkers plan for Theresa May. At the same time, the British government announces 70 household and business preparation tips on how the country should prepare for a situation where the British leave the EU without a brexit agreement [19659003] The control plan is that the United Kingdom requires EU tariffs on behalf of the Union on goods arriving in the UK en route to the EU. The British demand their own tariffs on goods that go to the British themselves.

This will allow trade to continue friction and tariffs between the EU and the UK. However, if no agreement is found, all goods must be declared customs clearance between the EU and the UK.

However, the UK also receives EU regulations, which they will no longer have influence after their declaration. EU rules through the EEA Agreement. There are many Mays more enthusiastic party opponents of brexit.



The EU disapproves of the Ladies Plan

On Thursday, the gravity of the situation became even clearer because the EU The negotiator said that in practice, the Checker plan is dead:

– The EU can not and will not delegate the processing of its customs policy and regulations to a non-member not governed by the EU governance structure. Minister Dominic Raab

Government councils will be distributed by various ministries as early as August, but some have already been leaked in the British press

Among other things, Crisis will be established to ensure a regular supply of food and medicines in the interior of the land if the limits are to be closed for customs clearance. Here are some actions:

1. Must Hasteansett Tolere

If they do not agree on how the customs controls will be carried out. this can lead to long cows when food, medicine and other goods have to be imported from the EU and to the UK.

It will allow, among others, about 5,000 new customs officers to lighten the workload. Until now, it is used 1113, according to British Customs.

However, it will be much faster to move goods in and out of the country when everything goes through customs clearance.

2. Brexit Minister Dominic Raab had to admit on Wednesday that the government was taking steps to ensure that Britain had enough food if the country left the EU without agreement.

Raab rejected the government itself, but he confirmed that it might be necessary to have agreements with the food industry to ensure a consistent food supply.

In 2016, about 30% of UK food consumption was imported from EU countries, according to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. such a scenario would also affect food producers in the EU countries. According to The Telegraph, French producers of wine and cheese can lose more than 300 million euros, or 2.8 billion Norwegian kroner per year if they can not export to the United Kingdom.

However, other British politicians are less nervous:

– For I think it's a scary story rather ridiculous. There are many countries outside the EU that manage to feed their citizens perfectly without the help of the EU, "said Wednesday Dr. Brexit, Martin Callanan.

3. Managing Lone Border Cows

If no agreement is reached, long queues are also expected, when approximately 10,000 trucks must suddenly pass customs controls before they can leave the Kingdom. To join the EU, writes the Financial Times.

A 16 km section of the M26 motorway in Kent can be closed and will also serve as a parking lot for trucks and trucks. [19659002] – The M26 is an important traffic jam, and we have to pray to God that this does not happen, "said James Hookham at the FTA Transportation Association.

On the European side, preparations are also under way for the creation and modernization of customs and border posts, among others, on the other side of the Channel

– This obviously means traffic jams in Calais and in all European ports Goods and people of the United Kingdom ", said the European Minister of France Nathalie Loiseau at the BBC

4. To ensure adequate medical equipment

the Minister of Health Matt Hancock, in turn, confirmed that he had asked his officials to negotiate with the pharmaceutical industry various solutions for additional blood storage and medical equipment

. Underhuset said the British can afford to buy health insurance when they travel to EU countries to replace the mutual treatment guarantees for citizens of the UK. EU

Considering the establishment of the air force

It is also appropriate to put the Royal Air Force transport planes on hold. The British Air Force machines can then be quickly deployed to carry items inside or outside the UK or warehouses to places where it is the more urgent.

6. Helping foreign workers

Earlier this week, the Ministry of Interior launched an information package for companies that must help EU citizens apply for a residence permit after the brexit.

The Times also writes that the government will ask up to 250,000 small businesses to start preparing customs declarations

May be a debit card

European skeptics in the British Parliament reacted to the gloom the tone of government communication. An accused may use a "no-deal" scenario as a debit card

– We will scare people into the mess so people eventually adopt Theresa May's plan, an anonymous parliamentary conservative has confirmed at BBC Newsnight. ] Theresa May said Wednesday that people should be confident that the government is preparing for all possible outcomes.

Such preparations were announced earlier. When the state budget for 2018 was presented last fall, it appeared that Finance Minister Philip Hammond had put three billion pounds into emergency help in a scenario non-negotiation.

Brexit Approaches

Within 13 weeks, the British want to sign an agreement with Brussels on the withdrawal of the EU.

But until now, the government's compromise has been criticized both in Parliament and in Europe.

In recent weeks, several international companies like Airbus and BMW have sent clear signals to May that their production in the UK may have to be moved if the government lands on a "hard brexit".

The boss of Amazon in the UK went so far as to warn against unrest in the population if brexit negotiations failed.

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