The cave setting in Thailand is over – the world is breathing relieved –


– We do not know if it's a miracle, a science or what. All 13 boars are now out of the cave, wrote Thai Navy SEALs on his Facebook page. "Wild Boars," meaning wild boar, is the name of the football team that boys play.

The television pictures showed rescuers singing and dancing to celebrate a successful mission.

– I have never lost hope. I knew that they would be alive. This mission is very special. We did something historic, says Suthee Sommart, rescuer

. The chief of the rescue, Narongsak Osottanakorn, described the rescue operation as "a United Nations team". Crew members from the United Kingdom, China, Myanmar, Australia and Japan participated.

Residents also helped prepare relief supplies, wash their diving equipment and transport without payment, according to the BBC. Congratulations

After the news that all 13 were out of the cave and safely, more than two weeks after they were locked up, there were congratulations from several teams. British Prime Minister Theresa May was one of them

– Glad to see that the rescue mission to get out of the caves in Thailand has been successful. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, also went to Twitter to congratulate the fighters of the Thai Navy Twisted May.

Twitter 19659002] The technological entrepreneur Elon Musk joined the jubilee. He visited the cave on Tuesday after sending a submarine specially designed to help.

– I will leave him here again in Thailand in case it might be useful in the future, says Musk.

4 kilometers inside the cave

The doctor and the three navy hunters who have been with the boys since they were found more than a week ago , were the last to be transported after the remaining four boys and their football coach were thrown into safety Tuesday.

While the joy that everyone is saved great, there are also many who remember Saman Gunan, the former marine fighter who died when he was coming out of the oxygen tanks inside the cave. According to The Guardian, he must be honored with a state funeral.

23. June became the football team with twelve boys aged 11 to 16 and their 25-year-old coach disappeared after entering the Tham Luang Nang cave all the way north of Thailand. After a large-scale exploration campaign, 2 July was found alive for 4 kilometers in the cave.

By Good Health

The eight boys who were released Sunday and Monday can now start eating normally as long as they are not. is too spicy. Previously, they could only eat a rice-based porridge because their worn bodies had trouble taking care of themselves.

Some parents of boys visited them at the hospital, but because of a possible infection they were separated. glass wall. The spokesman of the health authorities, Jedsada Chokdrumrongsuk, said that they should be examined by a psychiatrist and only a week before they return home.

Football Invitations

The International Football Association (FIFA) invited the twelve boys to the final Russia Sunday, but the doctors who treat the boys say that they are not able to & # 39; To make such a trip.

Another possibility can still happen – Manchester United has invited boys and rescuers to Old Trafford in the coming season. 19659002] – Incredible news that all boys are out of the cave and safe. I want to send them soccer jerseys, twisted the defender of the English national team and Manchester City player Kyle Walker.

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