The EU is preparing to "not agree" for pets


The European Commission confirms that planning for the crisis is also underway for pets in the event that Britain crushes the EU without any agreement in place

– This is an important issue that we take seriously. Press spokesperson Mina Andreeva

She confirms that the European Commission's overall crisis planning for an "uncompromising" scenario also includes domestic animals.

Today, the EU has a pet passport system. This system allows EU citizens to bring dogs, cats and ferrets across borders.

The system also includes Norway.

However, if the UK leaves the EU without having entered into a divorce agreement, In the UK it is impossible for the UK's EU and citizens of the EU. EU to continue to cross the Channel to their pets.

Andreeva can not say exactly what is the priority of domestic animals in crisis planning. But it's a question that the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, has personally mentioned several times, so she's close to him, she says.

– We do not just work for the free movement of people. We are also working for the free movement of pets, says Andreeva

(© NTB)

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