"The fact that" somebody "is trying to produce theories of conspiracy and corruption is the purest hesitation – DN.no


– I think we are lacking information, so I think everyone is served by answering Storting's questions, "said Torgeir Fylkesnes (SV).

It's about the minister's private visit Per Sandberg Fisheries in Iran

It is Filter Nyher and VG who mentioned the trip for the first time on Friday night.ND then could say that the Iranian authorities have requested a meeting with Sandberg during the trip and that his own department did not know him.

In recent years, Mr Sandberg has been very optimistic about the possible export of Norwegian seafood to Iran after the summer season. entry into force of the agreement on nuclear energy, market opening and sanctions.Today, the case is at stake since the resignation of US President Donald Trump

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The representative of SV Torgeir Fylkesnes will ask Per Sandberg questions. Photo: Ida von Hanno Bast

Sandberg responds

Fylkesnes believes that it is appropriate to ask questions in writing via the Storting questionnaire since ministers must answer the National Assembly "as kindly as correct as possible". He will ask, among other things, whether Sandberg has been in contact with the Iranian authorities during the trip.

The question will be asked on August 1 when the opportunity to ask questions will open again. So Sandberg has six days to answer.

Sandberg reacts to what he thinks is wary of the trip.

– The fact that "someone" is trying to produce theories of conspiracy and corruption is the purest hesitation, he writes in a text message.

He points out that he is on a private trip, 100% free of jobbrings.

– Sandberg must realize that it is in the public interest and that it is important to show that there are proper conditions, says Fylkesnes.

A: Important Clarification

Labor Party spokesperson Terje Aasland also follows the question.

– I think it's extremely important to get clarification in this case. This concerns Sandberg's relations, trade policy contacts with the Iranian authorities and foreign policy towards Iran, he says.

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The Labor Party spokesperson spends his time asking questions about this. Photo: Fartein Rudjord

It is appropriate for Aasland to ask a written question about the case if there is no satisfactory statement from Sandberg. He also wants the Prime Minister to arrive on the ground

– I mean the Prime Minister must get on the right track and explain what she knows about it.

The minister's office knows Aasland's comments, but has not yet responded

DN has been in contact with Sandberg about the case.

– These questions are black earlier, at DN and the fishing magazine he writes in a text message. (Conditions)

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