The former CIA chief calls Trump "traitor" after Putin's meeting –


The press conference of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin sparked strong reactions far beyond the press room, what the so-called Mueller inquiry in the United States had many reasons to trigger


Earlier this month, an important jury, charged with investigating Robert Mueller's claim, appealed to 12 Russian military justice officials for, among other things, hacking the Democrats before Presidential elections of 2016.

Vladimir Putin stated that he had never been involved in US internal relations, and should "investigate the matter" around the 12 Russian defendants. He added that he hoped Trump would win the election because the current president was talking hotly about improving the bilateral relationship.

In turn, Trump said that there was no conspiracy in the elections and that he won because he had a brilliant campaign. He also said that the Mueller investigation was a "scandal" for the United States.

When asked if he trusts the version of Putin's events or the US investigator, the answer is:

– I trust both parties [19659008] US-Known: -Difficult to find a word

wearing Among critics, John Brennan, CIA chief under Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama. Several Republicans have also reacted strongly, reports several US news agencies.

– The press conference was nothing less than a traitor. Not only were Trump's comments awake, but he was far away in Putin's pocket, writes Brennan. "

Jennifer Leigh Bailey, an American Expert and Professor of Science Politics and sociology at NTNU, nor is it impressed by what has been said.

– It's hard to find words to say how shocking, dangerous and destructive it was, in particular the statements of the US intelligence service, Bailey told DN

fears that the presidential election is not legitimate that he does not dare to oppose Putin. [19659003] – He clearly states his own interests on the country, she believes.

The chief r Republican removes

Paul Ryan, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, came out Monday night with a statement in which he gave up the president's attitude towards Russia.

– There is no doubt that Russia has interfered with our election and continues to undermine democracy here and elsewhere. …) Pres Identen must recognize that Russia is not our ally. There are no moral similarities between the United States and Russia, hostile to our core values. The United States must keep Russia in charge and put an end to their constant attacks on democracy, according to a statement in several media, including The Guardian and USA Today.

Reuters quotes National Intelligence Director Dan Coats, who repeats after Trump's statements that the Russians are interfering in American politics. Trump even named Coats.

"We have been ready for our assessment of the Russian interference in the 2016 elections and their ongoing and comprehensive attempt to undermine our democracy and we will continue to provide unhindered and objective information to the US. support of our National Security. "

Commentator Ed Luce in the Financial Times writes that Trump five days led a" diplomatic bloodbath ":

" The future of the Western Alliance is now seriously doubtful. "M. Trump Provided "

Republican Senator John McCain stated that Trump delivered one of the most shameful representations of an American president.

– The damage inflicted by Trump's naivety, his selfishness, its false fairness and sympathy for autocrats are hard to calculate, McCain said in a statement.

Republican Senator Bob Corke also reacted strongly. He says Trump made the US look like a push and that Putin probably ate caviar in the plan of return.

Republican Ben Sasse believes that Trump's statements are completely wrong.

– The United States wants a good relationship Russian people, but Vladimir Putin and his "gangsters" are responsible for the Soviet aggression.

"Competitor" Putin

In advance, Vladimir Putin was already called "winner" because an American president of Pou For the first time, Russia annexed Crimea to Ukraine in 2014. On the occasion of the G7 meeting in summer, Trump also asked that the Russians be reintroduced into the group. assembly of the world's first industrialized country, the G8. always involved.

The president also was "warmed" by making headlines before the Helsinki meeting.

During a visit to Britain, he described the EU as an enemy and declared that former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson would be a great prime minister in the United Kingdom. United. Johnson had recently expired from Theresa Mays' government after a disagreement on the way forward for brexit.

At Monday's press conference, Trump was also asked to elaborate earlier descriptions of Vladimir Putin as "competitor"

– We are competitors, including in gas. "Competitor" was considered a compliment, Black Trump. (Conditions)

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