The government party wins the majority in Zimbabwe


According to the government's electoral commission, the party of former dictator Robert Mugabe got at least 109 representatives in the National Assembly, writes Reuters.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party received 41 representatives. National Assembly

To obtain a two-thirds majority, ZANU-PF needs 30 other representatives. If the party receives it, it can adopt and modify laws by itself.

The result of the presidential election is not yet known. ZANU-PF interim President Emmerson Mnangagwa and MDC opposition leader Nelson Chamisa proclaimed Tuesday the victory, but no official result was obtained.

Mnangagwa, former head of secret services, Minister of Security and Finance, led the country. seized power in November 2017 and deposed dictator Robert Mugabe

ZANU-PF and Mugabe led Zimbabwe since independence in 1980.

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