The lava created a new island outside of Hawaii


A new island appeared outside the Big Island of Hawaii last week. The island is shaped by the lava that started flowing from Kilauea volcano in May this year.

Since the outbreak of Kilauea on May 3, several thousand people have been evacuated, several hundred houses have been destroyed and vast forest areas burned.

Now, the powerful volcanic eruption has formed a whole new island in the ocean off the main Hawaiian island of Big Island, reports the American Earthquake Center (USGS) on Facebook

] which was observed for the first time on Friday. The lava area of ​​Kilauea Volcano is clean in the sea. This lava continued to grow until it broke the surface and formed a new island.

On Monday, the island had become so big that it is now part of the main island, writes the USGS on Facebook.

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The lava is still making Hawaii swell. Over the last few decades, Kilauea Volcano has made Hawaii more than four square kilometers of additional area, by writing the Motherboard website. This area automatically belongs to the state.

Although the new zone and the spontaneous islets of lava that occur after the eruption may be short-lived, they still have an important function. The new landmass helps to protect the Hawaii coast from the erosion of the Pacific.

See also: Hundreds of houses destroyed in Hawaii

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